(Ch-2) Why???

18 1 10

Herline's P. O. V.
Best song for this chapter - Lovely ~Billie Eillish/Khalid

'When are you going to come back, Mom? ' I ask. 'Have you eaten your food? ' she changes the topic. I answer her anyway. 'No mom, its only 7pm! '
'When are you going to come? ' I ask again. After multiple times of avoiding to talk with her, Now when I'm finally talking to her, she is changing the topic.

She cuts the call abruptly. Wow, just wow, way to go Mom, I think to myself.

I shouldn't have called anyway.

Dad left when I was born, leaving my mom alone with my two elder sisters and me to raise. Dad saw me for the first time when I was seven, that is 6 years ago.

I still remember that day when we went to meet him. I was nervous to see him for the first time. He took me and my middle sister around his small hometown telling people that we were His daughters, proudly. I remember being happy for that dumb thing, not knowing, Nothing is permanent, especially happiness in my case. That evening, I recall mom and him screaming and shouting at each other while there were neighbors too in his house. He was screaming at my eldest sister too, whom I loved more than anyone else. I felt so sad and upset. I felt like crying but I couldn't. That was the time I realized He didn't care. He didn't care about mom, my sisters or .... me.

'Get a grip on yourself' I tell myself. 'He was meant to leave ' I keep chanting it like a mantra in my head over and over again.

'Not to Stay'.


I check my phone. Its 2:27 in the morning.

I couldn't sleep again. A tear rolls down my cheek before it falls on my pillow.

2:32 a.m.

My pillow is soaking wet by now. I don't even know why. It always happened like in an unending cycle, I couldn't sleep, then I would start thinking about my life and then start crying over it. I try being strong but sometimes its too much to take in. Sometimes its just too much to bear. Maybe all the problems will end if my pulse stops. When my heart stops beating.

'I will do it ' I said to myself slowly.
'I will stop all this' I whisper to myself.

Slowly I get up from the bed, careful not to wake my sisters up. I slept with my sisters. I go to the adjoined bathroom in our bedroom.

'What's the point of being the reason behind all of this? ' I ask myself.

'What's the point of being alive anyway? '

'I am the reason behind all of this right, then let's finish this petty reason.'

I take out a small, shiny, silver blade that I kept secretly, from the drawer. I study it carefully.

A flood of tears bursts through my eyes. I look at myself in the mirror. I look at a defeated warrior, more like tired. But, nonetheless, A Warrior.

I bring the blade close to my wrist. Another wave of tears hits me right on my face.

'No! '


Playlist of this Chap- Lovely by Billie Eillish and Khalid.
Listen this song with the chap to get the real feeling.

A. N. ~

Hey guys! Do you like this chappie?? I know nothing has been cleared properly till now. This story is based on my life. So you'll get to know me. My life is a ride of rollercoasters. I can be really happy and not sad all the time. I have my moments. All of this is true, so please guys I know you all are very good to even read my story and it means a lot to me, It really does. Just don't comment anything harsh or insensitive. All the characters will be slowly introduced. Thank you.

❤❤❤Love U Guys❤❤❤
~TheWitty1306 A. K. A

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