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Fire burns in her.

She wanted to scream.

She wanted to push her away.

She wanted to warn her.

That he is mine.

That don't you dare to touch him.

She went to talk to him.

Is when he raised his voice at her.

Telling that don't dare to near me again.

He has no reason to tell that to her.

She wanted to argue.

Scold him.

But she couldn't.

She was too speechless.

He pushed her to the ground.

And walked away with the girl.

All she could see is a smirk on her face.

Totally telling that you ain't getting him back.

People used to bully y/n.

That time,Taehyung was there to protect her.

But now.

He himself a bully to her.

She started getting afraid of him.

He was her fear now.

No matter how hard she wanted to forget what happen.

She just fail to forget.

She had try hard.

Nothing changed.

It just gets worser and worser.

She started seeing both of them everywhere she goes out.

One day.

She saw both of them kissing behind the biology class.

It breaks her heart.

The kiss didn't even show love.

No chemistry.

She don't know why he left her.

She had a bad feeling.

Something is not right.

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