22 3 4

"Ji Ji?!"

"J-Jimin, what are you doing here?"

"Why are you in my room?"

"You didn't go back home?"

"I- uhm-because-no-but-wait-ugh."

He was stuttering or blabbering?

I couldn't understand.


It was clear enough he is nervous.

His eyes on his fidgeting fingers.

A habit of him.


I calmed him down first.

"Jimin, look" I tilted his head.

Both of our eyes meeting now.

"I'm sorry for throwing questions at you like that. Take your time."

Soon, that Lil muffin calmed down...

"Ok, I'm sorry I crashed at your place without your concern but I was just too worried for you."

"Aww, you didn't have to though but nor like I would shoo you off if you tell me."

"How do you expect me to have the heart to wake a sleeping angel?" 

Jimin shut his mouth with his palms after he realised what he just told.

He always does that when he slips out things he isn't supposed to.  

I felt my ears heating, must be red.

There was an awkward silence.

I faked a cough and continued to talk, "Anyways, we are going to be late for school if we don't get our butt off the bed now."

"Oh shit! We only have 30 minutes, we need to hurry!"

I saw him digging his bag to find his new paired school uniform, toothbrush, and whatever he needed.

It felt almost like he had it all planned and I think he saw me looking at him weirdly.

"Hehe, 'just in case' bag:)" he gave the sweetest awkward smile. 

Soon, we hurried to school.

There I saw, a familiar face.


By the look on his face and the gestures of his body, he seems to be approaching my way.

Subconsciously, I was taking each step backwards when puts one forward.

He had this furious face, stomping front.

I froze in place.

My breath hitched when he neared.

I thought he was gonna yell on my face this time or a slap echoing the school hall.

Unknowingly, I stuttered words like "tae- taehyung, i- I'm so-sorry. I di-didn't mea-" 

But before I could finish my words to him, ...........

A/N: to be continued.....

P.S: Honestly, it has been ages since updated. sowwyy:( 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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