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Today I finally get to go back to school. I been 3 weeks since the incident, I got my cask took off 2 weeks ago.

Anyways I decided to dress up a little different for school.

I decided to wear a Orange dress that match my bag with a blue vest that match my pumps. Then I accessorize a little but not to much.

I took my phone and headed downstairs.

I ate breakfast and left in my new Mercedes. You probably wondering when did I get a car? Or when did I learned how to drive?

Well let me elaborate you, When I took my cask of my doctor said I need to move my hand often so the bones could be more stabilise so Jenny thought it will be a great idea if I learn how to drive.

Well after hitting and running over garbage disposal in the neighborhood. I finally got a hang of it.

I got in the car and open my GPS so I could get to the school without getting lose.


30 minutes later

Well I am late that official. The mute girl who haven't come to school in a 3 weeks who's clearly over dress for school.


I got in to the school parking lot and park. It was like 90 degree out there so I decided to find a fade and put the car.

I slowly back out


I pressed the brake to go see who yelled.

I looked and there was Luke laying down on the floor.

"So this is payback I hit you with my car and you decided to hit me back"

I ran back to my car to get my phone so I could answer

"Maybe it is Maybe it not  I don't know you tell me" I typed and the voice speaker said it.

"You still using that creepy thing"  he said getting up

"What creepy thing?"

"You know the thing on your neck that speaks"

"It not creepy"

"Well anyway let me park you car for you before you kill some"

I softly giggle and gave him the keys.

I stood at the entrance of the school waiting for luke. When I saw someone with a black hoodie looking at from across the street. I walked slowly to get a close look .Then  a truck past in front of them then the person just  disappeared.

I took my keys from Luke and headed to class. I walk in to my U.S History class and like everyone stop what they doing to look at me even the teacher. Just because I am late doing mean that all of you guys have to stare.

I walk in the back to where I sat on the first day.

"Class today we going to do something a little different every pick a partner"

Everyone got up and look pick there partner. After 2 minutes every on in class had a partner but me. I didn't let that bother me.

Ms.Taylor passed out some whte board with a marker.

"We going to have a verbal pop quiz. You write you answer on the board and put it up the team with most points won't have to take the test next week"

I don't know anything about what she teaches I wasn't even here. Here comes the humiliation.

"First question

Who was John Tyler?"

I saw that name before

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