A night with levi

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                                 Levi POV
She surprised me by grabbing a broken beer bottle and hitting him in the head causing him to fall but not black out but she wasn't done there she repeatedly punched him in the face causing some teeth to come out and kicked him in the ribs yelling "YOU'RE THE REASON WHY I WANNA DIE" she then turned around the second she saw me she broke down into tears. I quickly gave her a long hug she quickly calmed down. "This place a mess you can't stay here" I told her "where else can I go" she asked "you can stay with me until your place is fixed"  I explained to her "o-ok" she said it so quietly I could barely here her but I knew what she said
             Time skip Levi's POV
When we got to my house I noticed her covering her left eye I new what happened I just wanted to see if she would tell the truth "oh I'm just tired" she said lying threw her teeth "I know what happened in there your dad pored boiling water on it how long has he been doing this to you?" I asked "scene I was 6" she said with an emotionless face " WHAT WHY!" I asked a little surprised "my mom died in a car crash and he thinks it's my fault" she said once again with an emotionless face "oh wow that's horrible I'm so sorry" I said with sympathy "any way are you hungry you look like you haven't ate in days" I said "I haven't" she said surprising me "WHAT YOUR FATHER DOESN'T FEED YOU" she nodded her head. I started to make some cup of noodles scene it was late "here you can have this" we proceeded to eat  but in the middle of eat she ran to the bathroom and pucked in the toilet I started to rub circles on her back. When she got pucking she said "sorry my body can't handle that much food"
                               Your POV
( before you threw up )This is so embarrassing having my teacher take care of me then.  I felt the sudden urge to throw up I ran to the bathroom and threw up I expected him to yell at me because one of my classmates christa who is basically nice to everybody even the bullies she said that Levi is a clean freak so if you're dirty expect a yelling and and detention but instead he started to rub circles on my back I quickly explained why I threw up.    Time skip
                      Levi POV 
I got out an air mattress for y/n for her to sleep on. I told her that she would be sleeping in the same room as me just in case her dad finds out wear she was.

Time skip brought to you by Erwin brushing his luxurious eyebrows

                           Levi's POV
I couldn't sleep at all mostly cause I had y/n on my mind for 2 reasons One) she's super cute, Two) I'm worried about her I mean her own father beats her up for gods sake. I notice she was twisting and turning in her sleep she was also crying so to calm her down I quietly got out of bed and carried her into my bed ( you haven't slept for 2 days so your pretty tired) and we ended up falling asleep into each other's arms

⚠️ there might be some violence next chapter and smut after that chapter HINT MIGHT ⚠️

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