Chapter 1

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Chapter 1~~

You Don't know how a little thing

can hurt a girl

And how a little thing

can make a girl go crazy over you

This is my life. Uncertain, lonely, and ambiguous. Even till today, I actually don't know how much I stand in his heart or even if I do have a place.

Yes! Hello! My name is Oh Hayoung and I am married to Oh Sehun two years ago at the age of 20. He is a perfect man for every woman to my point of view.

He is an ideal to all types. He has a powerful aura, a perfect and charismatic character, a beautiful body proportion and all those bits that every woman would like to have in their opposite partners and I was that lucky one that have dated him when I was a young and naive girl but it isn't as pretty as it seems.

We dated because of our parents. You know those arranged dates and stuff. Our parents are closely linked and are business collaborators so they expected us to also be close and help in their business matters.

I am not complaining that they are forcing us to date but instead those days were one of my favorites.

Though it was just acting but I love the way he feeds me with veggies and meat, the way we held hands and piggy back each other and the way he will just pinch my nose and peck my cheeks.

It was so sweet but I knew it was just in front of our parents. As soon as they were gone, we would keep our distance. It's indeed a long story. Phew!! I always flashback to those moments. So we act like we were in love for a year or so when our parents arranged our marriage for us.

It was both shocking and surprising for us but actually to me, I didn't feel like a strong resistance to it. I kind of liked it.

(Exact flashback)

Sehun was feeding me with salad when his parents asked " both of your two are getting old, don't you think your guys should get married?" The adults just laughed while I was amazed that I was pretty sure that my eyes were quite big.

While Sehun spat out his food and choked. That was the time when I knew that he just treats me as a friend.

Half of me died and I wanted hide away from all of those. My parents interrupted " yes, kids, we want children soon so we decided to plan for both of your two's wedding after two months". Sehun in no time stood up and banged the table as hard as he could with his strong muscular fist. "NO!" We can't, I am sorry but....... He stopped himself in time from spilling too much. Umm... We just dated each other for a year and we are still young. We are just 20 and I want to get a stable occupation then.

Tears were forming on the verge of my eyes teary and wet. Both of our parents remained quiet but my parents were quite unhappy. It looked quite obvious. I don't blame them though. He walked out but I followed him trying to stop him from going any further. I ran and called out his name " Sehun, Sehun! Stop! " he stopped and grabbed my shoulders. He slowly whispered then shouted. " I am sorry hayoung ah! I don't love you, I have a girlfriend and I love her. I dated her though we were acting to be in love. I am so sorry, I just treat you as a friend.

I was a strong girl back then too so I held it in. I just nodded and gave an assurance look. I then walked away from him saying nothing. My parents and I left their mansion after we called our driver. Sehun's parents apologized but of course I just said it was okay. My parents also agreed to what I was saying but I know that they weren't as happy as it had seem like.

Hello! I am a new writer and i am an exopink shipper. Please do suppprt, follow and like this fanfic. I have heard of luhans and his lawsuit against SM ent. I am feeling really hurt. Both kris and luhan was my bias and i feel really sad but we have to support both of them and also exo at the same time because i know that exo is also feeling not that good. They will feel more worse since they have been together through thick and thin so yes, i hope for the best.







And thank you

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