Chapter 1; The Attack

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Rose Donaldson POV

"Rose! Get up!" The harsh voice of my mother called out.

I shot up out of my bed and quickly got into the shower. The water was ice-cold, as usual. After all, the hot water didn't go up to the attic, at my mother's request. I came out of the shower approxemently 1 minute 12 seconds later. I dryed my hair, taking 36 secounds. The clock ticked down in my head, each morning, I had exactly 4 minutes to get ready after my mother woke me. Then I got dressed in a loose white sleevless shirt, and and grey leggings. I pulled on a grey sweater, then did my hair up in a ponytail, taking a total of 3 minutes, 8 secounds.

 I ran downstairs, and just as I was about to sit down and eat breakfast, which I had a total of 6 minutes to do, I felt my moms cold hand grab my arm, her sharp nails digging into the soft flesh.

"We have an event to go to, and I do not want you dressed like that. I will not be embarrassed by my daughter again," she said, before dragging me upstairs, and throwing me into my room.

"The maids will be up soon to make sure that you look presentable," my mother said before slamming my door, and locking it. I cursed quietly. This was bad. I did not want to have to have anyone dress me, because they were almost as bad as my mother.

I should probably introduce myself, my name is Rose Donaldson, daughter of Katrina and Daniel Donaldson. My parents are the richest people in the world, and have treated thousands of people wrong to further their own objectives. My brother, Kyle Donaldson, will get the company when he is 25 years old, or if my parents die. Most likely, he will take over the company when my parents die because almost everyone in the world hates them. 

Back to me. I am 14 years old, and the only reason why im still alive is to for show, and to get the company farther by marrying someone. 

My mother, thinks im too useless to even do that so she treats me the worst out of everyone, and has tried to kill me before, but every time my father stops her. Not because he loves me, but because he already set me up to marry someone, which will benefit the company.

My mothers crew of maids came up shortly after she left, and they looked at me with disgust.

"Sit down, we have barely any time and we need to make you look presentable" The head maid said to me.

I sat down, and I felt them get to work.

6 minutes 57 secounds past before they were done. My brown hair had been dyed blonde, and was now in a bun. I was in a lavender dress, which went to my ankles. They had put alot of makeup onto my face, and they had also put on colored contacts, covering my amber and green eye. I had heterochromia, which was considered a flaw which had to be covered with contact lenses. Finally, I had a pair of 2 inch purple heels.

"Done, now dont you dare dissapoint your mother." Said a maid and they all walked out.

I slowly walked downstairs, where my family was just walking out the door. My brother offered me a small smile, and whispered to me "Its all gonna be alright" before turning and smiling as soon as he walked outside. I did the same, smile and wave at all the people outside my house, as I walked into the limo. My whole family had gotten in, exept for me, when I saw a bomb fall from the sky.

"Kyle get out! Run!" I screamed and my brother dived out of the car. Instead of running, he grabbed me, and ran inside. Secounds later, the world turned black.

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