Chapter 2

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Rose Donaldson POV

I felt something on my chest, wait no, everywhere. I tried to open my eyes but, I couldnt.
Pain slowly engulfed me. I started hearing voices in my head.
give up
noone will miss you
don't fight it
you deserve the pain
Then, I heard a louder voice in my head.
NO! She will not give up. She is strong. She doesn't deserve the pain. She will fight it until she dies, and when she dies, she will take down her enemys with her. Everyone who met her will miss her if she dies, which she won't die.
Not on my watch.
Then all the voices vanished.
I was in agony, but I followed the voice that defended me. I moved my arms so they were up against what was holding me down. Concrete, I think.
I pushed up, failing at first, but then, with all of my strength, using every single part of my body, I pushed up. I coughed as I opened my eyes. Everything was destroyed. I saw off in the distance what looked to be a gang fight.
Then, I felt someone grab my ankle.
Out of instinct, I kicked the person and quickly pulled my ankle away.
"Gee, thanks sis" I heard my brother say.
I looked at him, tears forming in my eyes. He looked terrible.
He was missing both of his legs, and the rest of him was covered in deep, long, cuts, shrapnel embedded and sticking out of him, and there were even afew gun shot wounds in him.His left arm was dislocated and it looked like he had broken alot of bones. He also had burns covering the left side of his body.
"Kyle?" I said, my voice quivering before I started sobbing.
"It's ok Rose. I'll be ok and so will you" Kyle said, but I could barely hear him over my sobbing. I looked down at myself. My dress was ripped, my legs had afew deep cuts each, but they were covered in bluish purple bruises. I had more cuts on my back, and the backside of my arms legs and neck. I knew that I had broken more bones then my brother, but he was still in a worse shape then me.
"Please, don't leave me" I sobbed as I held his hand.
"I love you sis" he said.
Kyle's eyes then turned green. His injuries faded and he helped me up, leaning me on the side of a partially blown up building.

"A child of night will start it all.
When her legacy finally falls.
Among the ice, there are two
Part of the conflicts brew.
Two sides, unite
A spark they will ignite
The fate of the world is in their hands
What remains is up to the seven who form theese lands"

He then collapsed, and his body turned to stone. I commited what he said to memory, and just as I was about to try and scavenge for scraps, I felt a pain in my back before the world turned black again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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