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He walked on stage with the biggest vibe of arogance , but I could tell it was all just a stage thing . He was a dork and there was no hiding that . A very cute dork .

Wait , "cute ?" what am I saying . He's just some guy . Some guy  in a band..that plays guitar..and has tattoo's and piercings..and..ugh .

For the whole show I couldnt even focus on anything but him . It's like he was a steel plate and my eyes were magnets . The way he played was just so..passionate .

I could tell he loved what he was doing . Even if he was just showing off to show off , he just seemed so happy . Any time I would catch him glancing at me , it would send shock waves up my spine .

A few songs in I leaned over to nat , and attempted to tell her who he was and that he was the one that I'd talked to before the show but being right beside the amplifiers , it didn't really work .

Plus , she was too goo-goo-gaga over Ashton all hot and sweaty to realize I was trying to say anything either way . They played their last song and Ashton stood up and walked to the front of the stage ,

and took the microphone from the tall lanky front man , and told everyone to be quiet . "Now , everyone , I have something to bring to attention . A certain lovely lady is celebrating her 18th birthday today and I'd like all 

of you to sing her happy birthday . CAN YOU GUYS DO THAT FOR US ?" the crowd cheered , agreeing , and began to sing . I kind of wanted to crawl in a hole at that point . It was a nice gesture ,

but an embarrassing , and attention calling one . I've never really liked being put on the spot like that . I cant get mad at him though , he couldn't have known that , and like i said , it was nice of him .

After the show Nat and I walked to the back of the venue to tell Ashton goodbye . "Ashton !! We're getting ready to leave , we just wanted to say bye ." she said that in her girliest flirtiest voice possible I swear .

"Aw no !! Don't leave . The guys and I were about to go back to our place for a small after party . You guys should come .  We'd love to have you ." He smiled at her .

"Well I would love to but Sarai isn't really the party type of person and--" "We'd love to ." I butted in . "So unlike you babe . Lemme guess , you wanna go so you and Michael can give each other bedroom eyes some more ?"

I blushed and hit her . "Nah , Its my birthday . I may as well enjoy it , and besides . I do what I want , I'm punk rock ." "No you're not ." 

"Well ladies theres only four seats in the van with the instruments in the back so two of you are gonna have to drive you guys' car to the house and follow us .

"I'll drive , and Nat can ride with you guys . I'm sure she wouldn't mind sitting on your lap on the way . I drive better alone anyways ."

All of a sudden the mysterious flame headed boy popped up again . He's getting too good with this coming up out of nowhere shit . He needs to start wearing a bell around his neck .

"No need for that , I'll ride with you . It's dark , even though you'll be following the van its not a good idea to be driving alone ."

I could almost see gears spinning in Nat's head when he said that . "WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA MICHAEL ." She said with far too much excitement . 

"Yeah mate , that's a good idea . There are a lot of deer out towards the house anyways ."

Awesome . 

The guy I not only can't get off of my mind , but also shadow stalks me is gonna be riding with me .

Alone .

Thanks for agreeing you two .

The car ride was silent for the first few minutes when Michael decided to finally speak .

"I told you I would see you again ." 

"You didn't lie . Yknow you really should wear a bell around your neck . So I know where you are and when you're gonna pop out of somewhere ."

That was funnier when it was still a thought .  Shit .

"What , like a kitten or something ?"

"mhm ."

"Well , I'm pretty sure the only one being called kitten tonight is going to be you ."

My heart raced at the thought . kitten . His  kitten . Keep your thoughts straight Rai . You're driving .

The car was silent for another few minutes . I'm pretty sure he caught the awkwardness in the air because he asked how I enjoyed the show .

"I loved it , you're really great at guitar ."

"Thanks" he laughed nervously 

"So why did your friend assume you wouldn't want to come to the party ?"

"Just not the party type . I get insecure and shy when I'm around a bunch of people ."

"I don't see why you would , someone like you should flaunt yourself and show yourself off at things like that . Have your face seen ."

"What do you mean 'people like me' ?" 

"Beautiful girls ."

It's a good thing its dark out , otherwise he would've seen that my cheeks were as bright as his hair .

Finally we arrived at the house . Although I'm glad were here so that I'm less likely to embarrass myself I enjoyed spending time with just him . 

For more than three sentences . 

I felt my anxiety building up as we got out of the car and I could hear the music booming from the houses windows . Its gonna be a long night .

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