Chapter 1

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My name is Cassidy Waters. I've just finished high school and have also won the National Photography Contest. That's what I want to do: be a photographer. Now, with the prize money, I've gotten a passport and a one-way ticket to the whole world. 

I started with South America. I go places tourists don't. I don't necessarily need a destination, just a direction. I've captured so many creatures and plants, but my all time favorite thing to capture is a smile. A genuine smile shows so much more than just teeth. It tells you a story of hardship, of love, and passion. Most people I meet are poor and have nothing to give me. So I ask them, "What brings you joy?" and they always think, then put a smile on and tell me. That's when I snap the picture. A still frame from a single moment in time. Every person has a different smile, totally unique. I can tell you what they told me during that moment in time. 

It's now months since South America and I've landed in Western Europe. I continue capturing moments but one day I ask someone where I should go next.

"There's a beautiful island west of England called Nonlau," she said. "It's not on most maps, but it is one of the most beautiful places in the world."

"How do I get there?" I asked.

"I believe ships depart from Manchester on odd days. I do have to warn you, though, the monarchy is weak. They are having a crisis so the people there are not thriving. It wouldn't be wise to travel by yourself."

So naturally, I went by myself.

I took the trains to Manchester Port and bought a ticket for Wednesday at 9 am. I then checked a hotel room for the night and looked through my pictures.


The next morning, I got up and made breakfast (a cup of coffee and granola bar) before checking out of my room. I gathered my things and walked to Manchester port. I had a few minutes to spare so I started taking pictures. It was a gloomy day out but that didn't stop me from snapping images full of life. 

"Oi! What are ya doing, mate?"

"Oh, sorry," I replied to the middle-aged man, "I'm just taking some pictures of the port."

"This old rusty thing? Don't ya want to head to London for some snappy things?"

"I like to get the authenticity of a place. You know, what the locals see, not the tourists. A place holds so much character outside of its internet profile picture."

"Well, that sure is different, but nice. Keep doin what you're doin."

"Thank you, sir."

I went aboard the small boat transporting myself and 5 other passengers, all of whom I got pictures of. We set sail toward the island of Nonlau.

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