Chapter 2

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I step off the boat to be greeted by old buildings with vine all over the sides. I snap a few pictures before heading in a direction. This place is historic, but all over the place, there are hints of the modern world. There's a tech store, full of the newest phones, a Starbucks, there's even a free charging station on the side of the road. What hit me the most, however, were the people. They were happy. People walking or driving past all greeted me with a welcoming 'hello' or 'how are you?' A few people asked where I was from and if I had relatives living here. Each one I explained how I got there and what I was doing. Each person welcomed me to their country and gave me a hot spot for pictures. I made note of it and went on. 

I was walking along the street then stopped to take a picture when someone ran right into me.

"Ow! What the heck?!" I exclaimed to the person on a skateboard.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Is your camera alright?" he asked, sincerely.

"No, I think the lens cracked. Great, I'll have to get a replacement." I get up off the floor after examining the lens.

"I feel awful. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

"It's fine. I'm just upset that I just got here and now I have to leave to get a new one."

"Well, I mean, I know someone who may be able to fix it. Come on, I'll pay."

"Oh, you really don't have to."

"Nonsense! It was my fault. Follow me."

I went along with this boy. He was a bit strange. He wasn't very tall, just a bit taller than I am, and his voice seemed as though it hadn't hit puberty. Although his physical features tell me that he's like 12, he has a sense of maturity that makes him seem older. For instance, the way he dresses makes him look older. 

"So, who is this guy? How do you know him?" I question. 

"He's a... uh, family friend. Does everything for us. His name is Peirce."

"Well, before we go any further," I lightly grabbed his shoulder to stop walking, "I want to get to know more about you."

"Ok, shoot."

"What's your name?"

"Benedict. My turn. What's your name?" We continue walking, slower this time.

"Cassidy. My turn. Have you always lived here, or did you move?"

"Born and raised here. I've traveled around to different countries but never stayed for more than a week. My turn. Why did you come here?"

"I'm traveling the world documenting the places that are never told. This is one of my last stops."

"Wow, that's crazy. How did you find this place?"

"Someone in England told me about it. Are you going to keep going out of turn?"

"Yes," Benedict said with a cheeky smile. "Can I see some of your pictures?"

"Yes, but only if you let me take one of you."

"Deal." He stopped and stuck out his hand. I half smiled before grasping his hand and shaking it.

We continued walking, turning down streets occasionally and continuing our questions.

"Ok, my turn," he says laughing after something funny I had said. "How old are you?"

"I just turned 18. What about you?"

"19 although everyone treats me like I'm 12."

I laugh, "I wonder why," I say sarcastically. 

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You know," I begin, "like you're kinda short, your voice is higher. It's not bad, it just sounds like you didn't hit puberty," I said chuckling a bit. "But, I mean, I don't mind. There's nothing wrong with it. In America, there's a ton of guys with more feminine features."

"Yeah, you're really not helping. My turn. How long are you staying here?"

"As long as I like. I've covered almost the entire world but I still need to hit Iceland and Canada before Christmas. I need to be home by then."

"Well, you still have a while. There's no rush." He looks over with a half smile.

I'm just realizing how cute he is. Like he's charming. Jet black hair and blue eyes framed with glasses make a great contrast with his fair, lightly freckled skin. His hipster-ish clothes give him a soft, yet masculine style. I noticed his hands are small, much like the rest of his body. I imagine he doesn't do much manual labor. 

"My turn," I say quickly, trying not to blush. "What do you do for a living? Or are you in college?"

"No, currently I'm working with my parents in a, uh, family-owned company. I think I'll probably get stuck here working for them for the rest of my life."

"That sucks. If you could leave, what would you do? Where would you go?"

"I honestly don't know. I've never had a choice so I've never thought about it." He looks around. "I think maybe I would go somewhere sunny. It's always overcast here." He looks at the sky.

"BEN!!! BEN! BEEEENNNN!" A little boy comes running up to us. "Ben, Mom has been looking everywhere for you. She needs to talk to us, come on!"

"Ok, Connor, I'll be there in a minute." Connor runs off. "Cassidy, I, uh, I need to tell you something."

"Let me guess, you have a little brother named Connor."

"Well, yes, but, uh," he looks around uncomfortably. "My family is, different. I know you will be surprised but, well." He sighs. "I just don't want you to freak out and look at me differently." 

I'm so confused but I remember how I felt when I won the contest and everyone started looking at me differently. I remember how awful it felt and how I just wanted to have one person look at me normally. 

"Okay, I'll try to remember you like this."

"Alright. Just around this corner is my house." He sighs before rounding the corner. I follow close behind.

When I turn I see the most gorgeous house, no, mansion I have ever seen. Ivy is crawling up the stone walls with an iron gate with 'Gardner' written across it. I'm in awe when Benedict turns around. 

"I know. Not what you expected."

"No, are you kidding? Psh, I expected more. I mean, kinda underwhelmed, to be honest." He smiles and pushes me.

Benedict leads me through the gates. I notice there are people watching us, taking pictures, trying to figuring out who I am.

Ben thanks the guards who opened the doors for us as we walk in. The inside is just as impressive as the outside. The floors are marble with columns reaching to the tall ceilings. The entryway is a circular room with doorways branching off and a grand staircase leading to a second story.

"Straight through there is the ballroom," he points to the doorway right in front, "the bedrooms are upstairs while the kitchen and dining room are to the right."

"This is incredible. I never thought I would be inside a... a..."

"Castle? It's really nice but its too big. I grew up here and I'm still discovering rooms."

"That's insane." 

I'm still looking around when a woman walks in. She's not very old, probably in her 40s but she looks aged. 

"Benedict, I've been looking everywhere for you. Go up to your room, there's a suit there. Get washed up, we're having someone over for supper."

Ben clears his throat. "Mom, this is Cassidy. I accidentally broke her camera and was going to fix it."

"Hello, darling. I'll take it to Peirce. He'll fix it up for you." I hand her my camera. "I'm Benedict's mother,  Caitlyn. If you want I can fix you something to eat."

"No, that's alright, I'm not very hungry. Thank you though."

"Cassidy, you can come with me," Ben says to me. 

"Nice to meet you," I bow my head to Caitlyn before following Benedict upstairs to his room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2019 ⏰

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