Chasing Ryochan

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Hi guys. So lately, I've been dreaming about HSJ which was good. And right now I'm just going to share my dream about ME chasing Yamada Ryosuke. Which was funny . and when i woke up the next morning, i could feel the soreness on my body which was weird. Because i did not run or do any exercise that would hurt my body. But i was running so hard in my dream, chasing after Yamada. Ok so im just gonna tell you the story.

Beginning of story;

I was on school holiday and a few days ago i sent an email to Johnny-san asking and begging for HSJ to come to my country. And he finally agreed but he said he was only going to send Yamada to make a performance in my country. So Johnny-san asks me where is the proper place to do a performance so i just told him..

'My school hall'
And he said 'OK'.

-----the next day-----

I went to school and I saw a group of girls gathering around a black Jeep. So i went to go there too to find out what the heck is going on. The front door of the car suddenly opens and an old man came out and he looked a little familiar and then he opened the back door. And Yamada Ryosuke went out . I went silent for a moment staring at the beautiful man standing next to the old man which i recognise .. He is Johnny H Kitagawa! , while the other girls started to scream and cheering .

But then someone took my arm and took me away. I turned around to see a girl about my age. I don't even know who she is . And i got mad, angry and sad because she just took me away from MY PRINCE!!!. I tried to run away but she was holding my hand really tightly. Then she drag me to a dressing room, behind the school stage. And she told me that i was selected as a guest ... Which was weird. I don't even understand and i was like oh yeah im just dreaming right now .

I ask her who she was and she told me that i am her roomate.

Me: woah! I have a roommate.
Roommate: um yah of course.

Then she gave me a pink dress . (Ugh I hate pink). Then i just wear it and i feel like a princess heh heh. After doing my makeup and bla bla bla, i saw Yamada Ryosuke next to me and he looks down at me (since he is tall and I'm short) and he smiles and i was like WHAT?!!. Then he just went away outside to the front stage. And then a couple of girls instructs me to go outside and sit with the other students. --'

I guess I'm not even a special guest. But the good thing is that i get to see Yamada's performance. He was wearing the outfit from the 'Asu e No Yell' music video. And i realise that my dress have the same colour just like him . But the bad thing is there were no GIRLS in the hall. All are boys and I'm the only girl here!. Im feeling a little nervous but luckily i could see some women teachers so i just sat with them.

[ my school was not my school actually . I mean it doesn't look like a school to me because im actually dreaming . And the school hall look just like an Orchestra hall , the one like in Sydney, Canberra. ]

Then after Yamada has done singing 'Asu e No Yell' and 'Weekender' ,i heard my name called through the speaker by one of the students , then everybody just clapped their hands really loud and some are whistling and i went up to the stage and received a crown from One of the teachers and i was like.. For what?! . And then me and the teacher shook hands and Yamada congratulated me , with a big smile on his face. And i just thank him without even smiling. Did you believe that??! I didn't smile at him . I felt like a total loser.

Then i went back to sit feeling like a total loser . Then i search for Yamada and i couldn't see him any longer . Then i just went around searching for Yamada. I want to smile at him , just for that. I feel bad for not smiling at him and then i just ran with my slippery high heel shoe. Then i saw a boy smiling at me. I ignored him. Finally, i took off my shoe and just running barefooted. I couldn't find Yamada anywhere and i started to cry a little.

So i went back to my room . [ yes in my dream i was living in a school ]. I changed my clothes , wearing a shirt and jeans and sneakers. Then my roommate blocks the door and i just push her aside so hard because i don't even know who the actual heck she is. Then i ran downstair and i saw the Black Jeep outside , parked just next to my house. And i could see Yamada and Johnny san, autographing for their fans. I ran there as fast as i can but his fans blocked me. These girls are too tall for me to see yamachan. Then each fans started to leave because Yamachan IS leaving.

Then i just ran and ran as fast as i could , chasing for ryochan. Then , the car is going to a bridge and now I'm at the bridge too. Johnny san is driving at full speed and so am i running at full speed. Ive never ever run like this before. But i'm not tired yet . I just want to hug ryochan, take a selfie with him and have his autograph. Finally YES , thank you god , right now im next to the car . [ there were no other car at this time ]. Then i was calling and shouting for Ryochan as i ran. But i know he cant hear me so i waved with my two hands like crazy. Then Finally he NOTICED ME and he smiled and i smiled back, crying. But then he just went back to look down and i was like
"what?! Why is he doing this to me . Im your fan . I invited you to come here using my money!!. "

Then there was a green truck in front of me. And the truck begins to slow down and i know what this guy is doing. I could see his face from the mirror beside the truck. He look dangerous and evil and he even have a tattoo on his face. I was scared but he blocks me up. And did you know what i did? I just took some mud and twigs and i just put it on my face . And i think he went back to his car. Maybe he thought i was beautiful heh heh. Well .. I ran again chasing after Yamada's car then i took out a paper and wrote down 'STOP' but then i fell down . Because my leg was cramped and i was crying because i could no longer see the black jeep. I was crying so hard because i love him. Then i just lay down on the road of the bridge . And i closed my eyes as rain began to pour.

Then the rain suddenly stopped and when i opened my eyes again , Yamachan was holding an umbrella and then he extends his arm to me . He said " Im sorry "

I just stare at his arm and i ask him "why?", still crying.

" because you did not smile back at me. I came all the way here from Japan just to meet you but you did not greeted me" he responded back.

Then i just smile at him and he smiled back .

----end of story----

So yeah guys you've reached to the end of my dream. Thank you for reading and exploring my dream with me. And im so sorry if my dream is boring and lame and if my grammar aren't that good but once again, thank you for reading. Arigatou Gozaimasu *\(^o^)/*

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