Chapter 5, part 2: Flames don't burn my hunger

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"What all did you do?". She begun, as the following next week, she ended up on my uncomfortable bed again, struggling now with where to keep her legs.

"What did I not?", I spoke to find her giving me a sad smile.

"Just vent it out, just tell me.", Moon said giving me an encouraging smile.

"The first one was the World Health and Star development organisation in Kamardhand. It had a huge building at the edge of the town I used to live in and I decided that it would be the first to go.

I set up around 6 explosives for each corner and part of the overly gigantean building. The bombs I had easy access to as being the Sun, I was given all kinds of equipment to help the world.

I set up these bombs which had to explode at 5:00 pm on the 28th of May.", I started,

"I ensured that at that exact timing every worker in the building would be inside so that each one was affected but I never witnessed a single destruction.

Whenever I knew the attack was going to take place, I fled. Somehow I've never been able to witness violence and I knew that this time was going to be like no other.

When the next day, I saw the media coverings and yet the hunger inside of me still refused to die down. Not a single worker in that building survived and more than 50,000 lives were lost that day.

Some said it was a sight to watch about 50,000 stars all die down at once.

The pictures, I'm sure you must've seen were of people with blood seeping out of their body and with every strand of their hair burnt.

The part that I had waited to see was, their skin.

The fire had made it brown and burnt it to the core. In some twisted way, it gave me happiness to see their perfectly white skin become the tone that they forever mocked others of.

Even then, after reliving every scene of the attack, I just couldn't find my peace.

I thought that if I attacked just once more, maybe I would have some solace in me.

So then I planned my second attack, it was meant to be on the Star analysis and Health United Nations Department.

I did the same thing if not worse and saw million of lives end soon.

That day I even made young babies and children die because they had come to work with their parents for some school activity.

I would say it was an unforeseen casualty but I knew those children would be in the building and that hadn't stopped me for a second.

Mothers carrying their unborn children in their wombs also went up in ashes and those unborn ones were incinerated.

The world was crying out in despair and everyone was looking up to the leaders of the world. Countless organisations stepped in to take control of the problem but no one asked a word from me.

I was supposed to be, I am supposed to be The Sun. The god-like human figure on the planet and just because of my religion every person turned a blind eye towards my opinion.

An ordinary American's opinion had more worth than the Sun's.

As the second incident played out, my feelings yet weren't convinced, they remained at unease. No matter how much I told myself to stop, to not give in to my emotions, I did.

I let my feelings drag me from one attack to my tenth and before I knew it,

I had become the world's greatest criminal and fit right into my stereotypical self, I had become exactly what everyone thought I was going to be and with my last attack, I got caught.

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