Something you should know

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If you are going through discrimination because of your colour or your race, go to any of these websites and I promise you, you'll find wonderful people who'll support you and who'll help you out.

- Initiatives of change:

"Initiatives of Change (IofC) is a world-wide movement of people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, who are committed to the transformation of society through changes in human motives and behavior, starting with their own.

Trustbuilding: Peace and social cohesion through trust and reconciliation. Ethical Leadership: Developing a leadership culture based on moral integrity, compassion and selfless service. Sustainable living: Economic justice and environmental sustainability by transformation of motives and behavior."

-A New Way Forward:

"A New Way Forward is the racial-equity core of the National CARES Mentoring Movement. It holds its mission and vision and informs the transformational group-mentoring programs they are building to help restore sorely needed adult leadership and role modeling in our village. Over the past three years they've achieved a series of consistent successes that have deeply informed our work and the broader fields of racial healing, mentoring and youth development."

-Lawyers Committee for Civils Rights Under Law:

"The Lawyers' Committee is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, formed in 1963 at the request of President John F. Kennedy to enlist the private bar's leadership and resources in combating racial discrimination and the resulting inequality of opportunity - work that continues to be vital today."

W. Haywood Burns Institute:

"The Burns Institute eliminates racial and ethnic disparity by building a community-centered response to youthful misbehavior that is equitable and restorative. Though many areas of the juvenile justice system deserve reform efforts, the Burns Institute focuses on racial and ethnic disparity because youth of colour are the most impacted. By improving outcomes for the children most impacted, we improve outcomes for all young people."

National Voices Project:

"The National Voices Project is an effort funded by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, designed to determine the sources of racial disparities, how to address them and provoke dialogue about children. NVP works to address the issues and gather information through surveys, allowing communities to benefit from a deeper understanding of the concerns about children's wellbeing."

Race Talks:

"This is a web-based project that facilitates a multiracial learning community through seminars that discuss race and gender, large law school classes, police training programs, and community advocacy groups."

Hope in The Cities:

"Hope in the Cities builds trust through honest conversation on race, reconciliation and responsibility with the goal of creating just and inclusive communities. Specifically, it recognizes that personal change is the foundation for social change; it facilitates dialogue with people of all viewpoints and backgrounds, across racial, political and economic divides; and it demonstrates a model for community healing with "walks through history." It aims to build diverse, sustainable teams and networks."

Coming to the Table Organization:

"Aims to promote racial healing through leadership, resources and support services. The organization envisions a United States society that acknowledges and seeks to heal from past and present racial wounds."

Sacred Circles Center:

"The Sacred Circles Center is a place for people to gather to find and affirm their "purpose in life" and to release their baggage and heal their wounds. It offers specialized services, presentations by indigenous elders and healers in order to help recover patients of racial and/or discrimination."

Most of all, just know that you're not alone and that you are a lot stronger than what you might feel currently. Talk to your family and your parents about it, they know you better than you would understand.

Approach your friends, there are some who won't judge you but will stand up for you.

Remember that your ability to write a test, work your job or be a citizen will never depend on your cultural beliefs, the colour of your skin or the God you pray to. Most importantly, never lose sight about the fact that your ability to do good resides in you and in your actions and never their hurtful words.

- Chiya.

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