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Y/N's pov
I woke up on Monday morning, sulking over the fact that it was my first day of school and not just any school, it was my first day of highschool. I as so nervous! I had a shower, brushed my hair and wore my school uniform. I ran down the stairs awaiting my bowl of cereal my mom had ready for me. "Hi mom!"I said loudly."Woah, slow down there Y/N, you must be excited for your first day of highschool." "Yup, but I'm also really nervous." I admitted. "Well I'm sure you'll feel better when you get there hunny." My mom said.
I was done with my cereal so I stood up to get my backpack when I felt I something bump on my back. "OUCHHH!!" I screeched. "Hahaha, got you again Dumbo!"said your annoying little brother. "Charlie, stop troubling your sister and eat your cereal"said your mom.
A little while later your dad called you to say the bus was there to take you to school. "EEE!!" You screamed, excitedly. You gave your mom and dad a big hug as you left the house with your brother.
The drive to school was quiet. The bus stopped at your brothers school and you waved him goodbye.
Then, finally the bus reached your big, new highschool, filled with older kids who will be judging you. You slowly left the bus, more nervous than ever. "Y/N, Y/N, over here! You're friend Allison from middle school screamed from the benches. "ALLISON, HI!,I've missed you so much!" You said as you hugged her. "Same here" she said. You both walked towards the entrance when suddenly the bell rang. Everyone came rushing past us as we headed to the assemble area. The principal gave us a talk as it was our first year in highschool

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