Chapter One

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It was storming when I woke up. I looked out the window, and there was a faint light in my backyard. I didn't know what time it was, but I did know what day it was. It was The 63rd Annual Evaluation.

Every year on October 1st, the 16 year olds will get evaluated. The evaluation will decide what your job and Spouse will be, and how many kids you will have. But this year was special.

It's special because, if the profecy is true, then ten 16 year olds will be chosen by the Elemental Spirits in 2093, and can control the element that the spirit guards.

The spirits are Ignis the Fire Spirit, Aquis the Water spirit, Wind the Air Spirit, Terra the Earth spirit, Zapdo the Electric Spirit, Natura the Plant Spirit, Freezu the Ice Spirit, Metallic the Metal Spirit, Deserta the Sand Spirit, and Sunny the Light Spirit.

After school, I headed for The Tower. The Tower is the government headquarters for Uglaya. When I got there, I waited for 1 hour before they called my name. A guard escorted me to Floor 102, which is the head laboratory for Uglaya.

When I got there, the scientists that was gonna evaluate me, introduced herself. "My name is Dr. Corshoa. And ur Alex Uglaya, right?" "Yes." I said. "Come with me!" She said in a happy cheerful voice.

She brought me to a white room with nothing but a examination table in the middle, a computer in the back left corner, and beside the computer, a syringe with a thick blue fluid in it.

"Sit on the table." She said. I sat down, and she picked up the syringe. She came to me and said "Stay still." She inserted the needle behind by left ear. The pain felt like the time when a Japanese Hornet stung me on my cheek. I screamed so loud it made my ears ring.

I was about to scream again but I passed out and banged my head on the table. I heard a strange, robotic female voice say "There will be 3 tests to determine what job you have, and what kind of Spouse you will receive.

Suddenly, I was in this white room, with nothing in it. The same robotic voice came back, and said "The first test will make you challenge your biggest fears."

Instantly I thought "Water" and I tried to back up but I couldn't move backwards. Suddenly, cold, frigid water started to fill the room. I screamed and panicked. It was already at the base of the chin. Soon, it was over my head.

I couldn't swim, because I always freaked out whenever I went into the pool. Or any big body of water. The only thing I wasn't afraid of was a bathtub. My ears popped, and I was still at the
bottom of the room.

I looked up and pushed so hard my head broke the surface. I looked down. It must of been 6 feet of water. I gasped for air before I went back under.

The pressure was causing me to panicked even more. I heard a low groan and realized it was me. Everything went white.

Instantly I knew I died. But no, I didn't. I was in another white room. Then, I saw 2 featureless people. They were aiming guns at me. My other fear was being shot. I help up both my hands and then I heard 2 screams and then 2 booms. I felt a pain in my chest.

I looked up and the 2 people were on fire and were screaming. They soon fell to the ground with 2 loud thumps.

I looked at them and they were severely burnt. I looked at my chest and saw blood. I fell to the ground and saw white again.

The same voice came back and said "The next test will let you decide what happens to you." Suddenly I saw a viscous dog. I saw 3 cards. Card 1 said "Hide." Card 2 said "Run." Card 3 said "Stay where you are."

I picked card 3. The dog ran at me, and I just stared at it in its eyes. Right before it got to me, it Caught on fire, and ran off before falling to the ground dead. The air stunk of burnt hair.

I was transferred to a yellow room this time. After a minute, it turned white. The voice came back and said "The last test will be strength." I saw a 100 pound weight. I picked it up easily. I saw a 200 pound weight behind that. I picked that up easily also.

Next I saw a 350 pound weight. It took a little bit of straining, but I picked it up. Next a 500 pound weight. I strained a lot, but managed to pick it up. Next a 505 pound weight. I couldn't pick that up. I fell to the ground and everything went black

I woke up 1 minute later. I was in the white room I started in. My head didn't even hurt anymore neither did my ear. Dr. Corshoa was at the computer. She said "I'll be back in a minute."

She came back in exactly 1 minute. She said "I have good news, and I have bad news. Which one would you like to here first Mr. Uglaya?" I said "Bad news."

She said "Ok. You may not have a spouse, or any kids."
I asked "why?" and she said "That's the good news. Ignis has chosen you Alex. YOU, are the fire bender of the profecy." I was speechless. The only sound that could come out of my mouth was a gasp.

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