Chapter Two

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I was escorted to a big room with benches, TV's, tables and other stuff. There were 9 other kids in there. One was African-American, 7 were white like me, and 1 looked like a Native American. They all stared at me.

I said "Hey. My name is Alex U-" "Alex Uglaya." Said the Native American boy. "We know who you are." Hissed the boy. Then I said "Why do you have an attitude about it?"

Then the Native American boy said "Oh, you know. Just that the richest kid in the WHOLE world has to be one of the chosen ones, and not someone who we ACTUALLY like."

"Well, it's not my fault I exist. Take that up with my parents." I hissed back. "Scr-" He started to say, but then our instructor came in and said "Shush Loki."

"I'm Magnis. I'll instruct you on unlocking your full Elemental Potential. I will give all of you y'all's Persona, which will help you unlock your Elemental Weapon. Training starts tomorrow. Go home and get some rest."

As I was walking out, Loki pushed me I to the wall. I didn't k ow what I was doing, but somehow my hands blasted a ball of fire, It got him in his back and he screamed really loud. Once I realized what I did, I ran and didn't stop u til I got home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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