Game Day #1

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No one's POV

Today is Game Day and Kailer was super excited because professionals from the football academy at his dream college, West Ridge University were coming to his game to see him and his other teammates play. If he does well and they win then he would have a chance at getting a full scholarship to the school. I mean of course he'd have to graduate high school first but it seems like that won't be a problem for him since he had been getting straight A's since 6th grade.

Kailer kisses Xavier on the cheek softly before heading out the door, it was 5:45 am and Kai had an early practice so he took a granola bar and a banana. 

"Hey Kailer," an unknown voice said aloud. He turned around while getting out the door and faced his coach.

"Hi, Coach Avery," He says while getting his gear out of his trunk. He now doesn't care about his car anymore and couldn't really rely on the school bus since they weren't running yet concerning how late it was. 

"You know today is a very special day for us right?" 

"Is there something wrong Coach?" He asks worriedly. Coach Avery shook his head while chuckling slightly. 

"No, no, no, there is nothing wrong I just wanted to tell you that you have to keep calm and not get too excited okay? If you aren't calm it can greatly affect your presentation and how you play." Coach Avery slightly pushing his curls away from his face and looked up with a smile

"but I'm sure I don't have to worry about you, right Kai?" he says laughing slightly with a hand on Kailer's shoulder. Kailer nodded boldly while smiling softly. Coach nodded his head and went to the field with Kailer on his heels. 

~After Practice~

A sweaty Kailer jogs up to his car, ready to high tail it the freak out of the school, Kailer had a free day since he still had to train for his game. He was so excited to be home with Xavier today, he was so anxious that he almost rammed into a car driving home. 8:34 am was the time that he arrived. Leaving his equipment in the car he rushed inside wanting to immediately dive onto his bed and sleep forever while cuddling a messy-haired freckly ball of cuteness. He looked into his room to see Xavier still peacefully sleeping. He awed at the sight then slowly closed the door not wanting to disturb the boy, he headed downstairs to see Tailer working on somethings on his laptop

"Hey, Taitai," he says out loud to grab Tai's attention, quickly Tai turns his head to his younger brother and releases a smile onto his lips

"Hey, Kaikai, What's up?"

"Why isn't XM up yet? Aren't you guys supposed to be in the classroom and aren't you supposed to be teaching him?" He asks confusion lacing deep in his voice,

"Well, since it is a free day for you I decided to let him also have a free day so you guys can hang out today"

"Isn't that gonna damage XM's attendance and participation stuff?" (Idk)

"Nope actually he actually finished semester 1 and tomorrow we're going to start with Physics in semester 2," Tailer says his now glued back to his work as he typed away.

"REALLY? OMG THANK YOU!!!" Kailer jumped up and down like a little kid on his birthday and went to hug his brother.

"No problem little bro, now go take a shower. You reek of sweat." Tailer says pushing his younger brother away. Kailer just laughed and headed upstairs to the bathroom.

As Kailer was in the shower singing very loudly, Xavier woke up from his slumber thinking that Kailer would be at school and so he slowly went down the steps rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning Mateo!" Tailer says cheerfully

Good Morning Tailer, Is Kailer home?

"Yeah, he's in the shower, he should be out in a few. Why don't I fix you up some breakfast while you just watch some t.v? Okay?" Xavier nods and goes to sit on the couch as Tai gets up to cook some breakfast for both boys.

Xavier was so gravitated towards the tv that he didn't notice the milk chocolate skinned boy with grey and blue crystalized eyes staring at him in amusement sitting next to him. Once again Xavier's cheeks turned blood red from the gaze of the handsome looking boy that he has caught feelings for.

"Good morning beautiful," Kailer says hugging the smaller boy

Morning, How was your practice? Xavier says while blushing madly at the name 'beautiful'.

"Are you going to come to my game today?" Kailer asks putting his head on Xavier's shoulder while the look at the t.v that was playing Dan V.S (Anyone remembers that show? Man, the Hub back then was the shit)

"BREAKFAST IS READY!!" Tailer shouts from the kitchen. They both respond my getting up from the couch. Xavier was about to walk when Kai abrubtly stopped him then asks

"Can I carry you? I really wanna carry you" Xavier blushses again then nods and Kailer turns around and crouches so then Xavier can get on his back, Xavier does so and then Kailer starts to run around the house carrying a terrified Xavier on his back holding on for dear life. Laughs can he heard from the older boy and then he says

"SORRY WE ARE HAVING SLIGHT TURBULENCE, HOLD ON TO YOUR SEATS WE WILL BE ARRIVING AT OUR DESTINATION SOON" Kailer starts making plane noises as he circles the couches a couple of times before actually entering the kitchen. fits of raspy quiet giggles can be heard behind him which caused him to smile and laugh more at the sound of X's voice. He then stops right at the beginning of the kitchen tile floor with then saying after


As he let him down giggles were still being voiced in the air by the youngest boy, both Tyson brothers awed at the sight and sound of Xavier.

That was really fun! 

"Was it? You seemed scared tho"

At first, but it was fun later on

"Well, now that you have had some fun and you're more awake, you can have some breakfast?"

They both nodded at sat at the island table soon enough plates of breakfast food was passed to them and glasses of orange juice were handed to them.

~After Breakfast~

"What do you want to do X?" Kailer asks

Ummm, can we go somewhere?

"Where do you wanna go?"

Can we go to the park?

"Sure, let's go"

I hope you liked the 1st part of Game Day, Make sure to leave your feedback in the comments and if you want me to do anything also leave it in the comments.

 I'm going to do a Q and A soon so if you want to ask the characters some questions then make sure to go back to the chapter before this one to put your questions and they might end up in the book, Who Knows!

Well I guess that's it, Have a great day😊💕



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