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in which you meet him at a concert or you
are another bgt act and you bump into them
while shopping.

Requested: yes, xox_milli_xox.

Warnings- not that i know of but may
have some
foul(ish) language and
incorrect spellings i guess


"Damn, that stage is huge," I thought to myself as Ant and Dec have me this pep talk that I honestly wasn't listening to. My ignorant mind was holding me hostage in my nervous thoughts. "But guess what, I'll do fine. It's going to be okay." I toyed lightly with my hands before they announced the next act; me.

A bright red light shone from the top of the stage indicating someone pressed their buzzer. A loud noise irrupted like a police siren throughout the building in earshot, which was a pretty wide range. I jumped in my skin out of shock to hearing the prior noise, holding my ears and cursing myself for being so close.

Soon enough time had passed by and the sulking contestant discarded the stage, leaving my nerve-wracked all-alone self to walk on. I mentally scolded my mind for not listening to Ant and Dec's talk. They know more than I.

I scrambled onto the stage and stood right on top of the big 'x' in the middle. My microphone was shaky in my trembling hands as I smoothed out my pants. "Hello," I meekly said into the mic, stating at the beady eyes of the enormous crowd in front of me. I refused to turn my sight to the judges and their table of horror, pleading that I could just go home.

"Hello," Amanda greeted, grinning with her glossy lips, exposing her shining white teeth. "Oh, you look so cute! What's your name?"

"I'm (y/n)," I replied, my eyes finally making contact with her warm ones. "A-and I'm fifteen."

"That's a nice name," Alesha said, her manicured nails placed nearly on the table. "And what will you be doing for us today?"

"Comedy," I managed to stutter out, sweat begging to form on my forehead as some of the audience laugh, making me self conscious.

"Start whenever you're ready."

I breathed in quietly, and took my turn at the mic. "Siblings can be a real pain, you know? I have a brother who is (little kid age), and he can be the most unholy man on the planet. Sometimes, I see him playing with his trains, and as he clashes them together, I begin to think of all the mistakes I've ever made as my life flashes in front of my eyes. So I sit him down and I say, 'you know two wrongs don't make a right. so take your parents for example.' But then I realised. Wait." The audience laughed and so did some of the judges. I smiled warmly to myself and continued.

"So there's this one kid at my school whom I still can't help but pick on. 'hey, you! '" I imitate, pretending to point with my unoccupied hand. "You've got something on your chin. Wait no! The third one down." The crowd was cackling by now, but I honestly didn't think that one was that funny.

"So, in all honesty, my parents started taking me to a psychiatrist after I was attempting to recreate Violet from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory blowing up into a balloon very poorly. The guy concluded that I was slowly drowning into insanity, so I asked for a second opinion. He replied, 'yeah, you're pretty ugly too. '" Everybody was laughing and in tears by the end of my performance, and it really made my day. The best part was though when David was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair and onto some young woman in the crowd.

I was smiling and almost crying tears of joy as I finished, awaiting the response from the paid judges. "Wow," cried Amanda, wiping her tears from her eyes while slowly ending her chuckle. "That was hilarious. I'm so amazed! I haven't laughed that hard for a while!"

After they said their comments, Alesha decided to start a vote. "I believe that would not be necessary!" Simon protested, standing up from his chair. "Honestly, I don't really like a lot of comedians on this show," he started, "but I love you."

When he pressed the shiny button in the middle of the table, everything flashed in front of me. I fell to the floor in my knees as tears poured down my face. I didn't think I was that good! Damn, just a yes would have sent me to the moon. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight!

He came up to congratulate me as I stood with wobbly knees from the floor. "Thank you so much," I cried into his shoulder, smiling like a maniac.


After everything cooled down, I was finally able to waltz of the stage with a large grin plastered on my face. I was finally able to see a lot of the people there, couples, children, elders too. But one thing caught my eye.

There was a group of boys standing in the corner, laughing and talking. One of them, who was a blonde and was most likely the ringleader of the trouble, caught my glance. He looked at me and smiled, waving a bit to his supposed friends and before I knew it, he came marching over to me.

"You're (y/n), right?" He asked, holding out his hand for me to shake. "I saw your act out there. It was pretty funny. Oh and by the way, I'm Tom. And those are my idiot friends." He pointed towards the three teenagers who were making fish faces at each other after I shook Tom's hand. I was confused to say the least.

"Are you a band?" I inquired , turning my face back to his own. "Oh! Wait, I know! You're some sort of farming cult and you feed off of your sacrificial animal mutton filled with choking blood."

Tom took a fearful step back. "Um, no. We're just a band."

I laughed, and was about to reply when the stage manager called out to the next group, which I presumed to be them.

"Wish me luck!" He mouthed as he walked off, and I crossed my fingers jokingly.


Let's just say, I haven't seen him since. But I mean, it won't any day that you see some hot kid and his fish cult group of friends perform at a nationwide broadcast. But anyways, today I decided to go to the name with my friend, (y/f/n). Maybe I'll see him.

Let's also just say, (y/f/n) is obsessed with (instrument) and she needs another one, so that's where we are headed. We arrived at the music shop, which seemed quite busy to say the least.

She lead me to the open (selected instrument) space which was filled with people on almost every one. I decided to lean against the wall in my phone, spacing out. I decided to look around myself, because maybe I could find myself a new ukulele to play. Mine was almost broken anyway since I've had it since I was seven.

After a while of trying a few, I decided on waiting for one, and buying one in Amazon or something. I tried to find the (instrument) section where (y/f/n) is, but there were too many people. I unsuccessfully tried to trudge myself through the humans, but to no avail. I just found myself curled up against the wall as people's heavy feet passed me.

My head was covered by my legs, and I felt a tap on my knee. "(y/n)?" Came a familiar voice of a boy. Tom?

I looked up a bit, only to see his confused brown eyes staring at my curled up state. I eagerly wrapped my arms around his crouched figure, making him even more befuddled. But he proceeded to hug me back. I told him everything as we stood up, and he introduced me to one of his taller friends, Noah.

We then found (y/f/n), who came running at me at full speed, her (h/c) hair flapping around her as she looked at me with red eyes. "don t run off like that!" She slapped my shoulder jokingly. I laughed sadly and turned to find Tom and Noah to thank them, but they were out of sight.

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