Chapter 11- The Fall of Rome

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The courtroom erupts. Instantly, people are on their feet, shouting and spitting and demanding justice. They call him names, accuse him of breaking the law. Some even go so far as to curse him, as if he is plagued.

   “Quiet!” Judge Regal booms. He pounds his gavel, but no one seems to be paying attention. Judge Regal stands. “I said quiet dammit!”

   Finally, people fall silent. They all seem to shrink back into their seats, as if just now becoming aware of their childish actions. Judge Regal narrows his eyes and stares furiously at all of them.

   “If this court cannot continue in peace,” he hisses, “there will be consequences.” He lets out a heated breath and a bead of perspiration rolls down his temple. “Now please.” Judge Regal turns toward my dad. “Is there any reason I shouldn’t send you to jail for a disturbance like that?”

   “Your honor,” my dad answers, “I am terribly sorry. I completely forgot my manners. Allow me to introduce myself.” He clears his throat. “I am Proditor Ezekiel Gaud, father of Kylee Menukar Guad and King of Malaysia.”

   King?! My dad is a King? My head grows dizzy as I try to imagine what that might possibly mean for me.

   Judge Regal makes a stressed noise in his throat. Then he clears it and stares shakily at my father.

   “M—my apologies, your highness.”

   Dad nods. “It’s quite fine. Really I… I should have explained myself.” He turns to survey the room. “I apologize for impeding so rudely upon your court, but you see I needed to know the truth about this… about this riot.”

   Across the room, Rᾰu frowns. “It is out of control. Have you not seen the streets? They haven’t slept since the hanging.”

   “Indeed they are loud,” someone cuts in. My eyes widen as I recognize Nero. He stands and walks forward to continue, “but… as Rᾰu was saying just before you… intruded… a simple dose of justice may be all we need to calm them.”

   “I disagree,” my father declares. There is a sudden intake of breath from the courtroom.

   Nero narrows his snake eyes dangerously. “I beg your pardon, King Proditor.”

   “There is no justice great enough to solve this,” my dad preaches. “Further more, there is no justice deserved. This riot has long been coming, and—“


   “Your honor!”

   Shouts ring out all over the courtroom. I flinch away from the jury as they screech at each other. Finally, Judge Regal pounds his gavel and demands silence.

   “No more!” he orders. “No one will talk unless they are directed. Now, I have taken into consideration the occurrence of sudden events, and decided that Nero Periculos shall be the next to be called to the witness stand.”

   From his secluded isle, Nero slithers up to the stand and smiles a bit maliciously at me as we pass.

   “Good luck, princessss,” he hisses. A shiver runs up my spine as I stumble into my isle seat once again. I glance wearily at my father and our eyes meet once more. There is a sparkle of sheer happiness in his deep pools of silver, but it is quickly gone and replaced by a serious sheen.

   “Kylee,” he speaks. He opens his mouth to say more but then Judge Regal is calling a familiar name up to prosecute.

   “Mr. Flekenstein,” the Judge directs. “You may proceed.”

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