Untitled Part 14

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Felicity hit the mat with an ooompff. She had been sparring with Oliver for only 15 minutes and most of that had been spent on the map, face down, muscles aching. She was getting irritated. She knew this. John watched as Oliver held out his hand and helped her to her feed once again.

"Come on Smoak. What are you doing?" John walked up as Felicity placed her hands on her hips trying to catch her breath. "You need to anticipate his moves and then react."

"I know. My body knows what to do but something is blocking me from doing it." She knew what she needed to do but could not understand why her body was not reacting.

John placed his hands on her shoulders. "Focus Felicity. You got this."

"Давай, Смок, покажи мне, что у тебя есть. (Come on Smoak, show me what you've got)." Olive taunted her.

He could tell she was holding back because she was afraid she would hurt him. He needed her to tap into that fearless woman she use to be.

"Ты боишься? (You scared)"? Oliver continued to taunt her, and he could see the fire start to light up her eyes.

John stepped off the mat and turned crossing his arms to watch. He knew what Oliver was doing and he hoped it worked because John believed that as her body remembered her skills it would trigger her other memories.

"Конечно не королева. Я могу победить тебя в любое время. (Of course, not Queen, I can beat you any day)."

"Затем покажите мне. (Then show me)."

Oliver started to circle her, and Felicity kept her eyes trained right on him. Oliver waited patiently hoping to catch her off guard and when he thought the time was right he lunged. However, this time instead of him taking her down, Felicity was able to grab his arm, roll underneath and flip him to the mat. Oliver laid there winded with a grin on his face.

"That's my girl."

Felicity looked at him in shock at what she had just done. Oliver jumped up and they continued to spar, and this time Felicity's body took over and her moves were automatic. She gave as good as she got and by the time they were done an hour had passed and they were both exhausted.

"Now that is what I am talking about." John high-fived her and she grinned.

Tommy had been watching quietly and Oliver looked over at him surprised he had not thrown out any snarky comments. They could always rely on Tommy to lighten any mood but today he was pensive. He had not taken his eyes off of Felicity since they arrived at the gym.

"You are awful quiet Tommy." Oliver wiped his brow with his towel. Something had been on Tommy's mind all morning and Oliver could tell something was bothering him.

Tommy looked at Felicity with a soft expression and he frowned, "You know Smoak, the day your plane went down., I heard you calling for mayday and all I could think about was finding you. The day that John and I walked up on your plane crash and all that was left was your tags, I wanted to rip that area apart piece by piece until we found you."

Felicity walked over to Tommy as he started to get what he needed to say off his chest. "I should have been there for you. I should have found you."

Oliver heard the emotion in Tommy's voice and he motioned for John to follow him, so they could give Tommy a moment with Felicity.

She placed her hand on his cheek, "Oh Tommy. You were doing your job. There was no way that we could have known that I would get hit and no way of knowing that someone would come along and take me. None of it makes sense, but please don't blame yourself for something that was out of your control."

Semper FidelisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora