Untitled part 37

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As the chaos settled, Oliver noticed two things, Robert and Slade were down and Felicity was still on the floor. He turned, his sole objective to get to Felicity. He had watched her go down and his mind started screaming no as he got closer to her. He reached her side quickly and she reassured him she was ok. She had not been hit. Her head was still pounding from being knocked unconscious, so it was difficult for her to get back up.

However, Oliver's arm was bleeding, and he quickly realized he had been nicked by the bullet meant for Felicity. Felicity gently touched his arm her eyes watering as she realized that he could have been hurt even worse. They hugged each other tight.

John had fired his gun as soon as he saw Slade moving, and Slade had fired his gun as well, just not in the direction anyone had expected.

John looked to see Robert lying on the floor, a gunshot to his head and the bullet had come from Slade's gun. He looked at Tommy in shock and then over at Slade who was sitting on the floor holding his arm. John had fired his weapon but had not gone for a kill shot and Slade had been hit in the arm.


Tommy called to him, wanting him to know that his father was gone. He turned and gave him a sympathetic look as Oliver stood up, helping Felicity to her feet. They walked over to where Robert lay on the ground and when Oliver looked down at him, he was sad to say he felt nothing. His father was not his father in the end and as sad as that made him, he was glad the man could no longer hurt those he loved.

Angel and the FBI agents came racing into the cabin and she stopped when she saw Robert lying on the floor with Slade sitting beside him. He gave her a look and Tommy noticed the exchange.

"What happened?" Angel looked around glad to see that the rest of the group was ok. Oliver was bleeding on his arm, but it was a superficial wound.

"Oliver came in and found Felicity tied to a chair. He confronted Robert and Slade and during that confrontation Robert pulled a gun and fired at Felicity. His bullet grazed Oliver and Slade ended up shooting him and killing him. I shot Slade because I thought he was going to shoot Oliver." Everyone looked at Slade when John said he had been the one to shoot Robert.

"That wasn't a part of our agreement Mr. Wilson." Angel gave him a rueful smile and he shrugged, grimacing when he moved his arm.

"I didn't want anyone else hurt." Slade's words surprised everyone, but they were even more surprised by what Angel had said.

Tommy looked at her, "Your agreement?"

Angel nodded, holstering her gun. "Mr. Wilson came to me a few days ago and offered to help us catch COS in exchange for a lesser sentence."

Oliver was confused, "But he already had a deal with A.R.G.U.S."

Angel nodded, "Yes he did. So, I contacted Lyla and we were able to get them to agree to let the FBI handle his case." She looked back at Slade. "After I heard the information that Slade had to offer, and he gave me the names of all the people that were involved we worked up a plan to have him out the highest government contact for COS. A.R.G.U.S., was more than happy to let us take this case knowing we already had information on COS that A.R.G.U.S., did not."

She looked at Oliver sadly, "Unfortunately that list included your father." She looked at Tommy again, her eyes soft. "I heard through chatter that Robert would try to come after Felicity again, I just did not know when, so Slade offered to get close to him and pretend to work with him. He approached Robert and told him that if he could offer him immunity, that he would work with him to get rid of her."

Felicity looked at Slade and some things finally made sense. Like him telling her he was sorry before he knocked her out.

"I am sorry I had to knock you out Felicity. But I had to make things look real to Robert, so I could hold him off until help could get here." He looked over at Oliver. "I am sorry to you as well."

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