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Tom's POV:

     Tom winced as he plopped down onto his teal couch. Shit, fuck that hurt.

     Not only did he have a hangover, but he could faintly remember what he did last night. Of course, he was only a bit buzzed, which was much different from usual, but he could still feel the anger of seeing those jerks harrasing that poor girl.

     And not just that. Those 'jerks' happened to be the guys that were currently using him as a punching bag. One of of the few gangs that he had, somehow, caught the attention of. He huffed out a pained sigh as he lay his bruised back against the soft cushion.

     He was just glad no one else had to be hurt last night.

     But he'd probably have to keep low from Edd and Matt for a bit. Black eyes don't quite heal in the span of a day. Heh, the irony of that just makes it worse. Black eye on a black eye.

     He growled as the slightly fuzzy memory replayed in his head once agakn.


     The blue clad man walked out of the bar, slightly tipsy, a stumble in his step. That, however, didn't keep him from noticing the whimpering coming from the alley next to the bar. Him, in his wonky mindset, went to go check out the noise.

     Tom's blood boiled as he saw a girl, pinned against the wall, staring fearfully up at an awfully familiar male. His voice rose over his stumbling thoights, making them reel to a stop. This wouldn't stand, not to him.

     His yell shounded more like a bark, his words slurred only a little. "'Ey! Let hher go!" He yelled defiantly, causing the male and his companion, as well as the blond haired girl, to turn. The man pinning the girl's smirk only turned shark-like, devious.

     "Heyy, its the lil' shit!" The male laughed, giving the girl a sidelong glance before his gaze returned to him. "And what if we don't?"

     "Then I'll hhave to make yyou!" He puffed his cheeks out, taking a step forward. He wasn't going to back down. Yeah, no, he wasn't afraid to die.

     That grin only grew. He pulled his arms back, allowing the girl to slip away, running and hiding behind Tom. Which wasn't very affective, considering he was about as tall as a child. Damn his stupid genes, making him short.

     He turned to the lady behind him, nudging his head towards the entry of the alley. She seemed to get what he was trying to tell her, yet she hesitated. Why that happened, he wouldn't know, but she ended up running anyways, sparing a thankful glance at him before disappearing around the corner.

     Tom hummed, content, before turning, only to see the two guys looming down over him. Shit.

     He needs to stop putting himself in these situations.


     The blue male sighed, closing his eyes without bothering to turn off the lights.

     He just needed sleep.



I like to think that my writing's improved, but thats up to you guys-


Ill see you in de nex chap! >:3

Thorned Bruises (TordTom Hanahaki AU)Where stories live. Discover now