Chapter 1

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Tom's POV:

     Tom sat on his couch, head hanging over the edge and feet over the top. His remote in hand, he flipped through channels on his flat screen TV, trying and failing to find something fun to watch. So he settled on some cooking show, grunting as he shifted, the couch once again rubbing on his sore body.

     It had been a few days since he last went out. Probabky around.. what, 3 days? He never kept track. Either way, his black eye had gotten a little less swollen, allowing him to put make up on with less hassle. It didn't look completely natural, but he doubted that people who didn't know would see if they didn't really look.

     Hence why he wasn't worried when he got called by a certain cola lover. He barely looked at his phone as he took the call.



     Tom hummed, hiding a wince as he sat up. "What's up?"

     "Uh, you have to come over! N-Now!"

     "What's the panic for?" The blue clad male asked, already standing, throwing on his shoes, despite him being next door. Oh well. "Don't tell me Matt broke another mirror. Or was it a picture this time?"

     "U-Uh.." Edd stopped. "I'll explain when you get here. Bye!" The phone clicked, leaving Tom confused. Ok, that was new. But he should be expectibg surprises. This was Edd we're talking about. He tends to be spastic.

     Soon enough, he was in front of Edd's door. Muttering, confused and panicked, came from the barrier that was the door. Tom raised a brow, lifting a hand to knock, before the door suddenly flew open. 

     And there stood Edd.

     He looked panicked, breath stuttered as he saw his slightly shorter friend, a nervous smile working its way up his face.


     Said male gave him a look. "Alright, what's up, Edd?"

     "Uh, well.." He took a breath. "Listen, Tom, you gotta promise me you won't get mad."

     "..Mad about what?" Tom questioned skeptically, eyes narrowing. "What are you hiding Edd?"

     "N-Nothing! Not if you promise!" The promise of getting to see what the green hooded brit too tempting, Tom nodded.

     "Yeah, Yeah. Now c'mon, let me in." He shouldered past the brunette, making Edd stiffen as Tom froze, proccessing who was sitting in front of him.

     Caramel hair, silver eyes. Or, eye to be exact. One side of his face was scarred over, his eye hidden by an eyepatch. His hoodie seemed to be in perfectshape, despite how it should have been 3 years ago. Tom's breath hitched, fists clenching by his sides. His enemy.

     Tord Audet. Tord Audet, the guy who almost killed him, killed Jon. The guy he thought he'd killed all those years ago.

     Damn it. Why did he have to make that damn promise? He wanted to just punch that guy's face in. What was left of his face, anyway. ESPECIALLY when he gave the smaller a smug smirk.

     "Well, hello, Jehovah's Witness." Tord spoke, voice honeyed, venom laced underneath that sickeningly sweet tone. "Surprised to see me?" He knew of Tom's promise. He knew that Tom doesn't go back on a promise if he can help it. It made Tom's blood boil.

     Tom kept his mouth shut, turning to Edd, trying to keep his temper under control.

     "Edd." Said male jumped at the angry calm in his voice. He looked at Tom.

     "Why.. is HE here?" He growled, void-like eyes turned back to lock onto Tord's silver ones. There was a tense silence, before Edd decided to speak.

     "W-Well, he said sorry-!" Tom stiffened, turning back to him. He had to restrqin from yelling completely.

     "SORRY, Edd?" He snapped, trying to breath, calm himself. To no avail. "SORRY doesn't fix what he did! It doesn't just FIX murder! What he did to us!"

     Tears welled up in Edd's eyes as he stuttered for an answer. "I-I know! I know it doesn't! But h-he feels guilty! H-He said it himself!"

     "D'you think he felt guilty when that (house collapsed on me? When he killed Jon? He would've stopped if he did!" By now, the hooded male was practically trembling in his restraint, trying hard not not to full on shout at his friend. Edd looked down 

     This wasn't Edd's fault. It WASN'T. It was Tord's for surviving. It was Tord that came back.

     He pushed past Edd, only turning back once he was at the doorway to look at his enemy.

     "Don't try anything, Commie." He spat the nickname out with venom. "Because if you do, well, I won't hesitate to finish the job I failed to do 3 years ago."

     And then he was out of there, slamming the door to his apartment shut.

     He really needed a drink.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2019 ⏰

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