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The wind swept through the woods gently swaying. The branches of the trees in it's path. The lion pack moved silently through the woods underneath the shadows cast by the stray beams of light from the full moon. The pack slowed to a stop at the foot of a steep hill. A huge male lion made it's way up the hill with slow and wobbly steps. It flinched as it slipped but managed to find it's footing and marched on steadily up the hill.
Against a huge oak tree at the apex of the hill was the silhouette of a wild cat as black as the night itself. As the lion approached, the wild cat stood to its full height. It was taller and larger than the lion and its dark fur reflected the moonlight. The rest of the pack watched as the two cats circled each other, scrutinizing and and anticipating it's opponent's moves.
The black cat attacked first slashing it's sharp claws through the hide of the lion. The lion retaliated with a bite on the attacking paw. The pack watched as the two cats locked paws in a fierce battle. They had taken precautions and were ready for anything. They had come with their finest warriors who were willing to fight to the end.
They sensed danger all around but they had been cautioned against making the first move. They were to only defend themselves. If all went well they would walk away unharmed. If not, many of them would not live to tell the tale.
The pack watched as the black cat knocked the wind out of the lion. Realizing that it's opponent had been subdued, the black cat quickly grabbed it's opponent's head and with sharp claws, slashed it's throat.
The black cat rose and stood on its hind limbs roaring loudly as it's body twisted and contorted. The dark fur on it's body vanishing to reveal tanned skin until the black cat was replaced by a tall muscular young man. He stared at the pack waiting below with contempt in his eyes.
"Attack!" he yelled and his army emerged from the shadows.

Kiriath ran as swiftly as his paws could carry him. Being the messenger he was tasked to inform the villagers that all was lost. As he approached the gate, the villagers gathered to meet him. They were anxious to know what had happened.
Kiriath was breathless from running so fast that all he could do was shake his head. Immediately the villagers dispersed with each grabbing their valuables. Orders were given out children women and the elderly were marched out of the village to safety. The stronger men stayed behind to help fight the enemy.
Moments after they had taken their positions, Zack entered the gates with his pack close behind. They had won easily and had continued to the village with a lot of adrenaline still coursing through their veins. Their hunger for violence was evident in their bloodshot eyes.
"We had a deal Zack!" Korah, the first prince shouted.
"Your king was a fool to have made a deal with me" Zack replied with a mocking grin on his face.
He commanded his pack to attack and smiled at the chaos unfolding in front of him.
As he stood watching, his sharp nose caught a scent that wasn't there before. He followed its trail to a cave not very far from the village. He entered and saw a little girl crouched at a corner and quivering with fear. He held out his hand to her but she refused to take it.
"Come on, dont be scared" he said and the girl took his hand, stood up and with a quick swing of her hand slashed his bare chest.
Zack was stunned as well as enraged at the little girl's attack. He had barely recovered when he felt another painful jab at his left side. He drew out his claws and blindly swung it at his attacker. A piercing scream reached his ears and he watched half dazed as the girl rushed to the woman's side just before her body hit the ground.
He quickly grabbed the girl and carried her over his shoulders back to the village.
As he expected, his pack had won easily over the villagers and the stronger men had been subdued and bound. Zack bound the girl's arms and feet, swung her over his shoulder and marched his pack out of the village and into the mountains.

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