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My eyes ached from the light pouring into my cell through the small window. Every part of my body ached and with reason too. Last night there was a full moon, and like every member of the clan, i had morphed only much more of my energy had been drained by the iron cuffs which bound my hands and feet.
It had been two years since i witnessed my mother's gory murder and i still couldn't get the image of blood spurting from her slashed throat. Every time I woke up in the middle of the night from this nightmare, i swore vengeance on the monster of a man that ruined my life.
I could still see my people weak, with their heads bent being led away from the only place they ever called home.
That was the last time i saw my brother Kiriath or any of the villagers that were captured. I woke up in this tiny cell and it has been my home despite the chains which made it impossible to morph.
Heavy footsteps approached my cell followed by the jingling of keys and the click of the lock. The door opened and a tall heavily built man stood in the doorway blocking the light from entering.

Follow me!" he said and immediately turned to leave. I hesitated to move but he quickly added "it's either you go willingly, or I drag you along!" I reluctantly followed him through the dark passageways of the dungeons and out into the busy streets. It was the first time i had seen people who weren't guards. I wiped the tears that had somehow found it's way to my cheeks and followed the guard.
We approached a huge building with large wooden doors and the guard motioned for me to stop. He entered and returned a few moments later and asked me to follow him.
The first person I saw when i entered was him, the man who destroyed my home. He was seated on a black throne smoothly carved from a rock. A statue of a puma on each side of the throne held up the arms of the throne.
His dark hair was longer and his eyes darker than i remembered. He was proud and it showed in his manners as he addressed his subjects.
He sniffed the air and turned his dark eyes on me. Anger boiled in every fiber of my body and threatened to explode.
"You" he said and grinned. He motioned me to come forward but i stood my ground. Without warning, the guard shoved me forward and i fell.
My mother's murderer got off his throne and walked towards me. He bent over with an outstretched arm. I stared at his arm and up at him. This same arm stretched out to me that day and yet didn't hesitate to murder her. I wondered if this meant i was. Heading towards the same fate.
I ignored his arm and helped myself up. He was than i was when he stood up so i held up my chin and looked straight into his perplexed eyes. I could see his ego had been bruised and he wasn't happy about it. He returned to his throne and sat down.
"Princess, i'm very honoured that you accepted my invitation. The servants will take good care of you." he said and nodded at two young girls her age. Each girl took one of my arms and led me away through another door. I kept wondering where they were taking me to and what they wanted from me.
They took me to a large elegantly furnished room and dragged me into the bathroom. They stripped off my tattered clothes and led me to the bathtub. The water was warm and soothing to my sore muscles.
The girls scrubbed me thoroughly and i felt invigorated despite last night's morphing. They combed out the knots in my hair and wrapped a silky red cloth around me and took me to the dressing room. And i watched as they went about dressing me.
"Why are you doing this?" i finally managed to ask.
"The king is a good man, he asked us to take good care of you" the blonde girl answered.
"I think he likes you" the brunette chipped in.
"That man is a monster! He kept me locked up for two years! What would he want from me now!" I shouted and the two girls kept their mouths shut and finished with their work. When they were done, they curtsied and quickly left.
I sat behind the dressing mirror staring at my reflection and knowing what to do. I finally resolved to run away but when i tried to open the door, it didn't budge. I tried the window and was relieved to find it unlocked. I opened it but to my surprise i found that it overlooked a very steep hill. Scared and out of options, i rushed to the bathroom and rummaged through the toolbox and found a small cutting knife. I took it and stood behind the door waiting as footsteps approached.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2019 ⏰

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