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❛ . . . COME TO DEATH ROW ! ❜
in which a young californian native
gets signed to the most dangerous
record label known to mankind, a...
SHE WAS TIRED, POINT blank period. She was doing shows back to back to back and felt her energy running at an all time low. And it didn't make it better knowing that she still wasn't going to see her family in forever. Jewell had left during their stop in New York to go back home, and now Mika was in Washington.
Brielle did everything in her power to make her friend feel better, but it was no use. "Next month will be here soon, and you'll have your family back. Just stick it out for a few more weeks. You might not feel like it, but doing this will be worth it in the end." Brielle sat on the side of the bed that Mika was sprawled across.
"Joder, aquí va a llamarme cuando estoy ocupado!" Brielle yelled at the telephone that was ringing in the far distance. She knew it was none other than her boyfriend, Tony who was still back home in Missouri.
Mika grabbed two pillows to cover up her ears because she knew that she was going to hear a bunch of yelling from Brielle.
"Necesitas conseguir un trabajo, Tony. Estoy cansado de ti dependiendo de mi Eres un hombre, haz lo que hacen los hombres!" She raised her voice at the man who was doing even more yelling. The couple always argued about him not being man enough to do anything and how he always mooched off of her. It was an ongoing argument that they never got tired of talking about.
"Tienes un poco de nervios hablando de mí! Preocúpate por ti, gilipollas. ¡Adiós!" She slammed the telephone on the hook, her face turning a bright red.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mika finally sat up on the bed, looking at her friend sympathetically. Brielle slowly sat down next to her before placing her head on Mika's shoulder. No words escaped from her lips as she finally broke down, her emotions getting the best of her.
"He won't ever change. Why do I keep trying with him if he's not even trying? I feel like I'm doing all of the work and he's being a lazy ass boy instead of a grown ass man." She sniffled loudly, her eyes looking bloodshot.
"You're not going to feel this way forever. You're gonna find someone that's worth every bit of your time, and someone that deserves you." She expressed, running her hand across the side to Brielle's head.