Chapter 1

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*Flashback 10 years ago*

       The sounds of growling and yelling jolted me awake from my slumber. We had been attacked many times in the past few months, but none of the attacks were close enough to the pack village to be able to hear them. My small body was shaking with fear, but I was still capable of slipping on my small, pink rain boots. I needed to find my parents, they would protect me. Walking into the hallway, I locked eyes with my older brother, Jace. The look of absolute terror covering his face, replacing the happy-go-lucky expression that usually stayed there. 

       We had prepared for this. We knew what we were supposed to do. We were supposed to run to the cellar of our home, and take the tunnel to the pack house. My brother started down the stairs to get to the basement, but I couldn't stop my little legs from running out the front door in search for our parents. Despite Jace's constant yelling for me to return to the house, my scared mind was telling me to keep running towards the area of attack to find my parents. Thankfully, Jace went back inside the house to the cellar. He would have surely been able to catch up to me, if he would have tried.

      The source of all the noise was coming from a small clearing in the forest, just East of our pack. When I came upon the clearing, my two little legs were tired from running and my lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen intake. It was quiet by now, signaling that the attack must be over. I looked into the clearing from my hiding spot, only to witness the worst thing possible. My dad, the Beta, and my mother hanging from the trees above, blood dripping from the many cuts littering their bodies. Even at 9 years old, I could tell that they were dead. The scream that I let out was loud enough for everyone in the pack to hear, even the ones that stayed on the other side of the pack land. 

       The last thing that I remember was Alpha Dominic carrying my trembling body back to the Pack House. I couldn't believe it. My parents were dead. Alpha Dominic assured there would come a day when the bad Alpha of the Shadow pack would fall, and we would be there to witness it. Scenes swirled through my mind of black wolves, gnarling their blood covered canines at me. I made a promise to myself that night. I would be the one to make the bad Alpha fall, no matter what. 

Author's Note

I realize that this part is super short, but I plan for the future parts to be longer. I just needed to give you some background knowledge about her parent's death. Most of the time, when there are long flashbacks, there will be chapters just for that flashback. 

If you notice any spelling of grammatical errors, please comment to let me know. I do not have an editor, and I'm honestly not the best writer. 

I will try to post a chapter every other day, excluding the weekends. We will just have to see how this goes.

Thank you for reading.

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