Chapter 2

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*Present Day*

       I woke up due to the constant, irritating ringing of my phone alarm sounding. I sat up in my bed, and wiped the sleep from my eyes. I silently listened to see if the rest of the pack was awake yet. It was 5 am, and most of the pack doesn't start waking up until about 7 am, so I should be in the clear. I didn't want to wake anyone up; werewolves are particular to their sleep schedules.

       I climbed out of my bed, and headed straight for the add-on bathroom. While I brushed my teeth, I studied my reflection in the mirror. My long, wavy light brown hair hung down my back. My light green eyes worked nicely with my sun-kissed skin and brown hair. I wasn't ugly by any means, but I am extremely thankful for puberty. Before I shifted for the first time, I was a chubby-cheeked girl. Then, when I shifted, my body filled itself out. I was no longer fat, but I was voluptuous. After I styled my hair into a high ponytail, I changed into a pair of joggers, and pulled a tank top over my black sports bra. I put on my ankle socks and Nike tennis shoes, before I creeped out of the Pack House. 

       After our parents died, Jace and I had to move into the Pack House. The Beta and his family, usually, have a house to themselves. However, since my brother and I were on our own at a young age, we were required to move in with the rest of the pack, so we could be supervised. The Alpha's Omega was put into place as the Beta, but was still required to live in the Pack House, until my brother became old enough to take my father's spot. Rules state that Jace must wait until the age of 21 to be able to take his spot in the pack as the Beta. However, Alpha Dominic is going to allow Jace to take father's place, when the Alpha's son becomes the new Alpha. Alpha Dominic wants Jace to be prepared, before he becomes Beta. Thankfully though, Alpha Dominic is going to let Jace and I move back into the Beta House today, since it is Jace's 21st birthday. 

       I woke up at this time every day. I liked to train and run early and alone. It brought me some weird sense of peace, especially when the sun begins to rise. I was also getting promoted to Head Warrior today, even though I'm only 19. It was kind of a big deal. No Head Warrior had ever been this young and an unmated woman, but I trained hard for it. Ever since I first shifted at 16, I was determined to prove my capability to fulfill the promise I made to myself all those years ago. As Head Warrior, I will have tons of responsibilities and many people relying on me. I am going to be the first line of defense for my pack, The Sentinel Pack. I am, also, going to be in charge of training all of the other warriors in the pack. 

      Worry and anxiousness started to settle over me, while my thoughts were swirling with the possibility of letting the pack and myself down with these new responsibilities. I needed to run, but I needed a real run. I needed to let my wolf out to ease some of my fear, so I walked to the edge of the forest near my normal trail. I undressed and places my clothes behind one of the many trees, and began to walk further into the woods, the morning air nipping at my bare flesh. 

       Once I got to the trail, I got down on my hands and knees and shifted. Shifting was effortless now, despite how painful it was when I first shifted at 16. The excruciating pain of the first shift was worth it, though; every time I changed, it made it worth it. My white fur was a nice contrast to the dark colors of the forest before daybreak. I was the only solid white wolf in my pack, and my eyes color changes from my light green eyes to a glowing bluish-silver. I shook out my coat, and gripped the soft ground below with my claws. I hurled myself forward, ready to forget all of my thoughts as I ran through the forest. The air whipping around me, whizzing past me, and the morning dew starting to wet my paws. I pushed myself harder and faster, enjoying the feeling of freedom that my wolf always brought me. 

       It took me only twenty minutes to reach the short cliff that overlooked the river. It's my favorite spot in the area. I loved watching the sunrise here, but I don't get to run here in wolf form very often, so it makes it even more special. I settled onto the ground, waiting for the sky to be filled with beautiful hues of orange. I was still waiting, when the steady sound of paws hitting the ground came into hearing range. It didn't take long for my bestfriend, the Alpha's son, Alec to come into view. His brown wolf with amber eyes trotted beside me. He mind-linked me to tell me to tell me he saw my clothes by the forest entrance, and knew I was here. 

"I figured I'd come watch the sunrise with you," he said, before settling beside me and looking off towards the horizon. 

       Jace, Alec, and I all became bestfriends after my parents died. He was the same age as my brother, so I followed them as the annoying little sister. Alec didn't mind, but Jace got fed up on more than one occasion. As we got older, Jace and Alec stayed very close, due to them being the future Beta and Alpha, but Alec still made it his mission to check on me a lot. I'd never admit it to him, but it meant the world to me that he's been there for me all these years, whether it was a shoulder to cry on or helping me through my first shift. 

       We watched the sky change colors, admiring the beauty that laced the sky. We would mind-link every now and then, but we mostly just enjoyed each other's company. It wasn't long after the sun rose, before Alpha Dominic mind-linked both of us, asking about where we were. I appreciated everything that Alpha Dominic did for Jace and I too. He became so overprotective of us, becoming like our second father, after our parents died. We were the only orphans in the pack, and although it wasn't his responsibility, he made it his to try and guide us the right way. 

"I bet I can beat you back," Alec said, after his father asked us to return.

"In your dreams," I responded.

We lined ourselves side-by-side, and dropped our heads low, preparing for our little race. 

"One...two...three," he barely sounded the last number, before he barreled forward to try and get ahead of me. 

       I was close behind him, maneuvering my way along the trail. It was a close race, but I'm not becoming Head Warrior for nothing. I passed him and won within the last few feet before the wood line. After we shifted back and started putting our clothes back on, we giggled and poked fun at one another.

After a few more minutes and on the way back to the Pack House, he asked, "Are you ready to become Head Warrior?"

I looked at him, and thought for a moment. 

"Yes, I think so, as long as my future Alpha isn't an ass," I joked. 

He looked shocked for a moment, before plastering a huge, goofy grin on his face.

       As we walked back to the Pack House, I took a moment to admire my friend. Of course, Alphas are bred differently. They are, usually, stronger, faster, and more attractive than other members of the pack. Alec was broad and strong with a natural tan that made his figure look even more toned, if that was possible. He had dirty blonde hair, and his eyes were a golden amber color, something that he inherited from his dad, Alpha Dominic. Although Alpha Dominic's hair had become streaked with gray, you still couldn't deny the resemblance between the two. 

"Are you ready to become Alpha," I asked him. 

He glanced around for a moment, before responding, "Yeah, I think so, as long as my Head Warrior isn't a bitch."

We both laughed, and kept walking towards the Pack House, a comfortable silence between us.

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