The Vampire's Daughter

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I was walking home from school, alone again. Everyone was scared of me because they all thought I was a vampire. Haha jokes on them I'm half a vampire. I'm so lame.

As I walk past an alley I hear voices and whimpering. I look in the alley and see five what I think are vampires. I walk closer and see that they are. I knew them through my father. They are all jack-asses. I see a small man beneath them.

I could tell he was a human. And if there was anything that pissed me off and bothered me its this. "Yo assholes why don't you pick on someone your own species," I yelled.  They all stopped abruptly and looked st me. I could see the small man look at me with pleading eyes. I smiled and gave him a little nod. Soon all five vampires were right in front of me. "Well well look at we have here boys. Little Bandit Way, the faggot's daughter," the one in front sneered, putting his hands up in mock fear while the others laughed.

After that I snapped, my eyes now red. I lunged at the first one ripping his throat out. Not knowing if it was safe to kill him that's all I did. The rest went to his aid, during this I grabbed another one and snapped his neck. I ended up with blood running down my face and all over my clothes. Before I could do anything else they were gone. Leaving me to stand alone with the dying man


Hi hi. This is my first fic. Tell me what you think. If you like it or if you don't. In other news I hate school and dodge ball. I have a big asa bruise on my face because of it

Anywhore have a great day and keep running


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