~Chapter 14: Fun~

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~Y/N P.O.V~

"Ah, Yoongi. It's nice to see you again." Oh, no wait, what am I saying? I can't reveal to him that I missed him!

"Let's skip the introductions, shall we? I already know you, and vice versa. Let's just get straight to the point. Can you guess why I'm here?" Yoongi says, with a stupid little smirk on his face. It gives me an unspeakable feeling, but I deny it. His smirk only makes me angry.

"I can only assume to either get me back or to take over my mafia ranking. Considering you just sent me a warning shot, I'm assuming it's the rank, because Agust D never misses his shots." I send a smirk right back to that fucker. Good thing I was able to study in my free time.

"Ah, correct you are. I can tell you've been doing research on Bangtan as well. Good job, wolfie. Just because you're a skilled little shit, that doesn't mean you're fit to rule your clan. Oh wait, I forgot, yours is called a pack. Whoopsie. Anyways, I'll give you two options. One is that you give me your pack, and we claim it's an alliance, and nobody is hurt, or you can say no, and war breaks out between my clan and yours. I've got plenty of mafias at my fingertips, begging to help me kick you off the charts. So, what do you choose babygirl?" He ends the speech with a sneaky pet name, but I refuse to let him distract me.

"You. Will. NEVER defeat us. We rank first for a reason, so go get your minions. I'd like to see you try. I'm sure that when battle comes, I can convince them to either back down or leave you and team with me. Go on and get all the smaller groups you desire. Bring them to battle in a week or whenever you please after that. And please, for the love of god, let's make this war fun." We exchanged a nod, and off he went.

Looks like it's time to prepare.

~Namjoon P.O.V~

I woke up, feeling dehydrated. I go to get a drink of water, but something looks off. I let my eyes get adjusted, take a second to let my brain start working, and I took another look around the room. The only odd thing I noticed was that there were six of us instead of seven, but then I realize Yoongi is on the hospital bed. I decide to check up on him, but then I notice what was off.

Yoongi's gone.

"Guys! Wake up! Yoongi is missing!" I start yelling to wake up everyone else. I start pressing the emergency button, and plenty of doctors rush in. "What's the issue, sir?" I'm asked by the main doctor. "Your patient is missing!" I explain. All the noise of us panicking must've been loud enough to wake someone up, because the next thing I know, someone behind me is groaning.

"Keep it down, some of us are trying to rest here." I hear a groggy voice say. "I'm sorry but that's hard to do when Yoongi is missing!" I respond.

"Oh, it's Yoongi. He'll be fine... Wait what?!" Jimin shoots up into a sitting position. I point to the bed, and he realizes we wouldn't be freaking out unless he's nowhere to be found. He starts panicking a bit as well, and he goes to wake up who he can.

"Mr. Kim, do you have any ideas where he could possibly be?" The doctors ask. I sit and pause, but I say no. Even if I did have any ideas, I couldn't possibly say because then, we'd be exposed as a mafia. I look behind me, and see that Jimin has successfully woken Jin and Hoseok. Jin had to have just woken up since he still doesn't seem to understand a word that's being said. Jimin starts to wake up Jungkook, while Hoseok wakes up Taehyung.

After waiting for everyone to properly wake up, the situation is explained. Nobody is understanding what he did this for and when. There's no video evidence of Yoongi leaving the hospital, let alone the room. The window is locked from the inside, which means he couldn't have gone out the window. The doctors decide to let us talk, so we search the room down for any possibility of an entrance and/or exit. We couldn't find his way out, no matter how many ideas we came up with.

"Hey guys, I thi-" Taehyung started to say. "Not now, Tae! We don't have time for your thoughts right at this second!" Jin rudely interrupted. "But-" "No!" The group continues arguing for the next few minutes.

"Okay, Tae. What did you want?" Jin asks, but his only response is silence. The next thing we knew, Taehyung disappeared as mysteriously as Yoongi. My only thought was that he had to have figured out how Yoongi escaped.

"Oh great, good job Jin! You ignored our only person that figured out where Yoongi went! What are we supposed to do now?!" Jimin bursts out yelling. "How was I supposed to know that he figured it out?! He comes up with the stupidest thoughts at bad times that are completely irrelevant to the topic so I thought that was also what it was!" Jin replies.

Great, another group argument...

I start walking to the area Taehyung last was before he disappeared. I carefully searched any area I could find, but I couldn't find it.

God damn it, why is this fucking happening?!

I kick the wall out of anger, only to reveal that it's not a wall. It seems like a tunnel someone tried to cover from forever ago.

"Hey guys, I found it!" I tell them. The only one who heard me was Jungkook so he got their attention to tell them that I found it. The wallpaper is ripped, but the tear blends into the wallpaper that seems to be decorated with a bunch of jagged lines. We all barely fit into the miniature tunnel, as if it was supposed to be built for a woman. After what felt like ten minutes, we made it out of the tunnel. We take a look around, and we see a strange shadowy figure sitting in the top of the tree.

"Taehyung-ah!" Jin yells and runs to the tree. "Go away." Taehyung retaliated. After some talking, Jin and Taehyung were just like new. "Let's get this show on the road and find Yoongi!" Jin said.

After about 45 minutes of walking, a cloaked figure jumped on Hoseok. In the same instant they appeared, they disappeared instantly. The only thing they left behind was a note.

"Dear Bangtan, I know your precious Agust is currently departed from your group. I've been trailing his tail, as my Don has demanded of me, and I have some valuable information that I think would make your search plenty easier. He's planning to get as many lower mafias as he can to help him fight against the wolves, especially the precious Y/N. They are scheduled to battle at the abandoned base of a disbanded mafia that was the bush vipers. They scheduled this to be due in a week, on Thursday at ten in the evening. Agust shot at her and missed. I'm assuming that he missed on purpose, due to his reputation. Anyways, I'll be at the battle next week. Hope to see you all there!"

"Oh no... there's no way that this is real. Yoongi loves Y/N, there's no way he'd do something like this to hurt her!" Jungkook claims, while Hoseok and Jimin agree. "I hate to break it to you, but this is too detailed to be fake. Yoongi just got out of an emotionally unstable state, due to his... event. That alone is enough to change his mind and feelings on one thing, and that thing just happened to be Y/N." I say.

"Look, we'll at least go to the viper's old base, prepared like normal, and we'll see if this is true. We'll just have to hope that we can either stop it or hope that this isn't real. Okay?" Hoseok suggests. It takes a moment of thinking, but eventually, everyone agrees.

"Now, we're off to find either Yoongi or Y/N." Jin states.

"Let's go!"


Hey! I'll try to keep this short, but basically, I'll be updating more often for a little while! I feel bad that I neglected you all like that so if you want me to, I can post my snapchat, instagram, and do a face reveal all at once! Plus I'm writing this at 3:36am! So what do you all think?

P.S.~ Don means the overall boss.

Names that also mean boss are: Capo de tutti capi, godfather, capofamiglia, capo crimini, and representante.

[DISCONTINUED] She WHAT?! || Yoongi X Depressed ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt