Captive log 3

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"Umm....what the fuck is this shite?"

Alien chatters gets thrown at the confused man

"What the hell are you holding?"

The Alien becomes angry and zaps the baton at the man

"Ow! What the fuck was that man? you want me to talk? Okay I'll fuckin talk mate? My name is Harrison MacGregor, Born in Dublin,Ireland and raised in Boston, there! is that it you fuckin-"

The Alien proceeds to zap Harrison again with the Electric Baton

"Ow! You want more mate!? I am a Bartender based in East Boston, Serving the drinks to people that to go the local Irish pub mate, those fuckers from the Army tried to conscript me to fight the Chinese Communists but I declined because nobody wants to deal with that shite mate!"

The Alien blabbers again, waving the electric baton

"What the fuck do you want me say? My family history? My dick size? my education and social status? What the fuck do want me to say you little green men? "

The Alien then hits Harrison in the head with the Baton

"Oww!! I swear to god when I get out of here I will rip off all of your little green heads and shit down your necks!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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