Chapter one

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"So... This is where all the rich kids at our school go to on the weekends?" I asked Julie, the culprit who had begged me to come here.

"Ya, What did you think they did?" She asked with her sing-song voice.

"I don't know?" Looking at the big building in front of us that has "Night Sky" Written in neon colors. How funny...

"Maybe go golfing with their sweaters tied behind their backs? Surely not dancing or singing at a nightclub" All my attention was now focused on my bubbly friend standing beside me.

She then turned her head to look at me with her deep blue eyes, which were a contradiction to her open and cheerful personality.
"Well, I guess someone as gorgeous as you would have a low opinion on people's weekend plans, isn't that right Vicky?" She practically skipped towards the doors with a smile spreading on her lips. I snorted as I followed right after her.

This place was just how I imagined it would be, with it's blinding colorful lights and the cheap-ass smoke coming from the cheap-ass smoke machines. Don't forget the desperate hormonal people rubbing up against each other. What do they call that again? Oh ya... dancing.

"Don't tell me we're here because you want to rub yourself against a sweaty, alcohol smelling, and on top of that a hormonal college boy?" I say to my friend who seems to be already eyeing a pretty boy on the second floor, sitting with some friends.  Ahhhhh... the boy who became her new attraction. 

She looked at me and gave me a sly smile, "I mean you wouldn't have come with me if I had said I wanted to come here just for a boy". 

I groaned in response as we continued to walk deeper in the midst of tangled bodies, making sure none of them touched me. Along the way, I noticed some very lustful stares directed our way by some thirsty ass males. Julie may have come here for that but I sure the hell didn't. So I glared right back at their stares until they hesitantly looked away.
"Perverts" I muttered under my breath.

Finally, after dodging all those bodies we made our way to a lone table near the back. I took a seat while she did the same across from me.

"So what's the plan? I know you didn't take me here just to dance and drink", even though I wouldn't mind a drink or five.

"Well... umm... I wanted you to be my wing-woman tonight", her cheeks began to blossom with a dark shade of red.

raising an eyebrow and crossing my arms on the table I said, "Don't tell me you want to confess your undying love to that one rich boy you can't stop talking about?"
"Umm... yes" she squeaked in response.

I've only been at the university since the beginning of the semester, which was only A WEEK ago, and I heard some good and bad about those boys... mostly bad. I don't know everything but I do know that the one that she's talking about likes a girl with a bad attitude, wild as hell and must be at least his height. And let me tell you that Julie, ain't that gal.

Don't get me wrong, my girl here is beautiful but in a totally bubbly and girly way.

She has thick, naturally curly hair that hangs above her shoulders. It's a surprisingly dark red with noticeably Brown highlights. Her skin is fair which makes her big brown eyes pop and the freckles that are sprinkled across her cheeks. She also has a wide, heart-shaped face with a pointed chin and button nose. I mean that whole description sounds cute. She's also the smallest and sweetest person I have ever met. I'm over here looking like a bamboo stick with anger problems while she's so tiny and cute beside me.

Also, I don't like how these guys act as if they own the whole fucking school. They call themselves "The Four" or other people call them that. I hear that they are talented in their respective fields, which means they are all smart as shit. They are also legendary in this school for something... For what? I forgot.

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