Chapter Two

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Lucas P.O.V

I can't believe it.

Someone threw water in my face. 

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, my blood was boiling with rage. No one has ever disrespected me like that especially once they knew how much power I had to my name. 

"That should cool you off" The unknown voice was calm yet filled with boredom like she could care less about what she had just done. 

My teeth clenched, I look up to see the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on. Her hair was midnight black and it plunged over her shoulders to reach her waist. It flowed in waves to adorn her glowing, porcelain skin. My eyes briefly scanned her face again. A straight small nose, full cherry lips - she seemed the picture of perfection. But then my eyes met her piercing gaze. God, they were simply spellbinding. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, were a color I'd never encountered before, violet. I stared at her for what seemed like hours until Brendon kicked my chair ever so slightly. 

Then I remembered why she was here in the first place and I frowned up at her. 

"Apologize to Julie" She demanded from me as I began to wipe the trickles of water pouring down my face. How dare she!? First, she makes a fool out of me and still has the stupidity to demand that I apologize to her frail little friend. After a few seconds of trying to calm down my anger, I scanned the crowd behind her and noticed how intently they were watching us. All these people care about is the gossip of worthless shit that happens and so I'll give it to them. I'll make her regret ever coming to my school. 

I fixate my glare straight at her... just for her to smirk back. Why should I apologize to her friend?  What I said was true, if her friend can't handle that then what makes her suitable for Kai?

She clucked her tongue when she spoke again.

"Judging by your expression-" She crossed her arms. "I don't think you're used to getting what you deserve." That was it. 

I jump out of my seat, my chair crashing into the balcony behind me. Almost everyone flinches with the sound of the wood connecting with the metal except for her. No, her smirk seemed to grow as if she knew that I would do that. Somehow, this made me even more irritated with her presence. 

I pointed my finger at her, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" 

"All I want is for you to apologize before I throw another drink at you" My eyes narrowed at her statement. She really must be new to this school if she can try to threaten me. Oh, she'll learn real fast who rules this school.

"You must be new huh?" I study her again, surely she had to be new right? I would have noticed her before with her loud mouth. "That would explain your ignorance towards me."

"Sorry if I can't stand by when a stuck up ass decides to trample on a girl's heart-" She let out a low chuckle. "I mean she wasn't even confessing to you, were you that jealous." Her face lit up with amusement which made me dislike her even more! How is that even possible? But I saw something in her eyes, just a tiny spark of pain when she said "girl's heart". So "love" was this girl's weakness? Pity. 

"Nobody gave you the right to talk to me like that," I sneered at her. I could tell that she wasn't backing down anytime soon, so now was the time to take her down. 

I looked her straight in the eye when I said, "Or is it... that your heart was trampled on by someone before?" I faked the shock that laced my voice. Now was the time to bring the show to an end. "I wouldn't blame them if they did leave someone like you"

She flinched - even with that cocky smile still plastered on her lips. However, her whole physique changed in an instant. Her shoulders begin to sag, her chin drooped down an inch, and her eyes went blank. Completely and utterly blank. 

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