Hush,hush baby

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A/N before I start this chapter I just wanted to say that _Dark_Angel_101_ inspired me to post something today on this because she has made me feel better about my writing and I'm thankful for that (though I'm sure she knows how thankful from the amounts of time I've said it😅)

Today was the day everyone dreads.The loss of a child.

For young mum Christine had lost her baby - in a car accident.

Days,weeks even years went by and yet she still missed her baby boy - A heartbreak no one gets over.

Sleeping one night as usual Christine awoke at 12.59Am to find a spilt milk on her bedside table and her glass knocked over - shattered,Like any rational person Christine thought nothing of it (She thought it probally was just too close to the edge of the table)

She decided she would get out of bed and get a dust pan and brush before she would forget and stand on it later

It still being early hours of the day, the sun was not up leaving the house rather dark.

When Christine got downstairs she opened her living room door and saw something...

Her heart stopped beating - she was struggling to breath - her eyes watered and her throat was dry.

She saw a dark figure in the room, it's clothes ripped and worn,it's face hollow and empty - like a half formed skeleton and it's figure was round and plump.

Christines eyes teared up,her heart raced whilst she scurried to get the light flicking it on she saw nothing

Her heart rate slowing to get to normal speed until some red liquid dripped on her head (what first started as drizzle ended as full blown pouring)

As she slowly look up she saw the figure more clearly - a baby but not a happy one, not a sad one but a angry one

"Mama,mama" it squeeled twisting it's head to look directly at her.

Christene couldn't take it she screemed and blood filled her mouth that called from all around the child and she went rushing  for the door - She did not want to be in that house.

"Mama?" The baby questioned in a more relistic, sweet baby tone.

Christened feeling bad and seeing her baby all sweet and innocent no longer scary and evil went towards her baby and went to pick it up but just as she did.

The baby's whole form changed and he screeched loud "ahhhhh" whilst grabbing Christene by the neck and forcing her up against a wall as it flew somehow in mid air with unnatural amount of strength.

"You killed me, now I must kill you!" It screeches letting it's corpse smell fill the room

"NO,NO!" Christene struggles to argue the baby shakes it's head at uncontrollable speed like some maniac

And pulls out a knife from no where and starts jabbing it randomly and Christene struggles to move and escape the baby...

She gets struck in the eyes then the heart ...

And just before the world goes black a tall figure stands in front or her - her husband

"You killed me and my baby!" Were the last words she heard before she awoke - in bed - it was all just a dream.

Christene was so glad it was all a dream despite her being very hot and sweaty but when she look beside her she saw her milk glass spilt and shattered and the time read 12.59AM


Christene shot under the covers if her quilt - like that would save her!

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