Chapter 8: Papa! Daddy's been split in two!

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Chapter 8: Papa! Daddy's been split in two!

"Izuku, it's about time that you spend more time with me and not with Ibuki so much. You don't understand how much I hold back."

"Izuku, don't listen to him. Our time is precious and making sure Ibuki is comfortable is our number one priority."

Midoriya pushes away his partner's face going too close to his own face remembering back to how this all started.

[[ 2 hours ago ]]

It was just any other day today.

The weather was fine and it was a peaceful day. Patrol was enough for his job today as hero. Todoroki was in charge of picking up Ibuki from school and buying the ingredients for today's dinner. Midoriya was about ready to go home when he suddenly got a call on his work phone. He picked it up to suddenly hear his son Ibuki yelling.

Panicking but in a calm manner, Midoriya asks his son what was wrong.

"D- Daddy got bumped at the supermarket by a fan and... and...!!"


"He's two now!!"


"Ibuki. What do you mean he's two now? Is he okay?"


The sound of rustling can be heard on the other side. The phone must have been picked from Ibuki's hands.

"Izuku. Where are you right now".

It was Shoto's voice...!

Calming himself down, Midoriya is relieved that his partner seems okay and answers.

"I was about to get ready to go home, but I'm still at the agency right now. Why?"

Midoriya waits for an answer and another sound of rustling happens.

"Red Daddy went running."

Huh??? Red Daddy???

"Ibuki?! Wait! Are you alone now?!"

"No! White Daddy is still here. He said not to worry and that we'll be going home now."

What is going on with these color coordinated Shotos all of a sudden...?

"Ibuki. What do you mean by White Daddy? What happened to Daddy?"

As Ibuki was about to answer, Midoriya suddenly hears a roaring sound behind him. He looks behind in a rush assuming it might've been an enemy who infiltrated the building only to see a red haired man running straight toward him and lunging at him.

With a thud, Midoriya is pinned to the ground by the man. Ready to use his quirk, Midoriya was about to restrain the man until he hears a familiar voice.



Midoriya looks up closely at the man and sees his partner's scar on the man's face. However, the white side of Shoto's hair wasn't there. It was completely red.

"I missed you Izuku. I know I should've stayed with Ibuki but since my other half was with him I figured I could just leave them and go to you anyway."

Other half?

"Is this what Ibuki was trying to tell me on the phone? That you were split in half?" Midoriya asked.

Shoto nods and speaks again

"Anyway, that's not important. Let's go home. I need to scent you. Do you know how long it's been since we last..."

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