10: Along for the Ride

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A/N: some of the reading list names I've seen my story put into KILL ME. I always get a kick out of seeing which one is the most creative/ funny. Also, my Wade has hair bc he's a romanticized version of the comic character.
(Peter's POV)

Moonlight danced it's way through a small bedroom window and landed on the back of a sprawled teenage boy. His breathing was deep and equal with the pattern of sleep. However, he seemed to be having a nightmare.

A buzz stirred Peter from his fitful doze. His phone had received two messages from an unsaved number.

"Hey" and a following "Hope I didn't wake you"

Peter sleepily smiled at the notifications.

"It's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway" he lied.

Carefully, he looked over at the digital alarm clock sitting on his wooden night stand. It screamed out 2:58 a.m. Peter internally grimaced.

His thumbs hovered over his keyboard.

What to say, what to say?

Peter's eyes still felt puffy and stiff from the crying. His face felt as if gauze took up the space that his sinuses were supposed to occupy and tears had dried on his cheeks.

Two more crying sessions had ensued before Peter had finally fallen asleep.

Midway through deciding what- or if- he should say next, another blue message popped up.

"How was your day?"

A basic question but it stumped him. His day was the definition of shitty but did he really want to rant to Wade and scare him off? Show him how much of a freak he really is and in doing so, proving Flash right?

Deciding he didn't want to lie but also not wanting to tell the truth, he settled on; "it was alright"

Not even a few seconds later a reply appeared.

"Just alright? Do you want to talk about it?"

Not with you

Peter instantly felt guilty for his thoughts. It's not that he wouldn't love to talk to Wade about his problems but Wade had said he needed time and diving into Peter's world of pain isn't exactly the sort of thing people who need time have in mind.

"Nah, it's okay. Don't want to bother you"

The message sat there for a while. Thinking maybe Wade was offended or something, Peter locked his phone with a sigh. Two minutes later he was receiving a phone call.


Ignoring Peter's greeting; "Do you want to come meet me?"

"It's three in the morning?" Peter stated as a question.

"So? You're trying to tell me you haven't gone out on a late night patrol? Or even just stayed out all night? Come onnnnn. Have some fun."

Fun was the last thing on Peter's mind.

"Will I be coming as Peter or as Spiderman?"

"I dunno, I could probably get you to cum as both."

Peter stifled a laugh, "I'm serious."

"And I'm Wade. Now, are you coming or not? I don't want to be standing here alone all night."

Taking a moment, Peter gathered his thoughts. He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes, "Fine. Where am I meeting you?"

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