| This Day Aria | By Daniel Ingram

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Chrysalis: This day is going to be perfect

Chrysalis: The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small

Chrysalis: Everypony gathered round, saying I look lovely in my gown

Chrysalis: what they don't is that I have fooled them all


Cadence: this day was going to be perfect

Cadence: the kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small

Cadence: But instead of having cake with all my friends to celebrate

Cadence: my wedding bells may not ring for me at all...


Chrysalis: I couldn't care less about the dress, I won't partake with the cake

Chrysalis: vows will lying when I say that through any kind of weather, I'll want us to be together

Chrysalis: the truth is, I don't care for him at all!

Chrysalis: no I do not love the groom, in my heart there is no room!

Chrysalis: but I still want him to be all mine!


Cadence: We must escape before it's to late

Cadence: find a way to save the day

Cadence: I hope that I'll be lying when I say

Cadence: "I don't fear that may loose him to the one who wants to use him."

Cadence: Not care or love and cherish him each day...

Cadence: for I oh so love the groom, in my heart he does consume

Cadence: oh, Shining Armor, I'll be there very soon...


Chrysalis: Finally the moment has arrived

Chrysalis: for me to be one lucky bride


Cadence: if it's the wedding we won't make

Cadence: He'll end up marrying a fake

Cadence: Shining Armor will be-


Chrysalis: mine, all mine

Chrysalis: Hehahahaha~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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