From the shadows

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From the shadows I hide
Keeping a close eye
Behold all the daylighters
Walking with pride
They wont know I'm here
And that's quite alright
I belong to the shadows
And I thrive in the night

School is like a high monarchy, everyone has their place in the kingdom. But the kingdom here is more animalistic than most. That being said, welcome to the animal kingdom hereby known as Highwater High School. Highwater High is probably a place you will never go, never see. It belongs to the Eclipse Pack of wolves, in an area quite hidden some miles out beyond the New Orleans City lines. I wouldn't recommend searching for this place, people here have anger issues beyond control and aren't too fond of outsiders. To say you would be eaten alive, is by far an understatement.

Alright, so that all being said let me give you the rundown of this "High Monarchy" i was rambling about. 

At the bottom, you have people like Sandra Belloise. A werewolf of low ranking and classified here as what millennial teens would say, 'The nobodys' or you know, the ones you go to when your flunking algebra. From my observation, Sandra like most the nobodys don't really care about being nobody's until they group together to insult the more popular kids about their IQ levels. Jealousy in the form of self ego, but I can't just judge them, ego is a thing about every group here has.

Above them are the druggies, technically more liked by the school population but only for their ability to circuit drugs to the student body population at parties and behind the school soccer field. More so, you usually find them hanging outside adrift from the crowds smoking a blunt or whatever under the trees. They are more easy going, and ego is less a problem in this group as most of them are major hippy's, however a few think their badass gangsters. Those particular ones are the 'Home-life Disaster' crowd. Not saying their home life is in fact disastrous, but whenever caught for their mishaps, go straight to that excuse. For example, Thomas Brown. Leader of the 'Getting caught with drugs' party. 

Then we have the Under Elites, I like to use Bethany and Mavis Montgomery for this example. The twins, as the rest of their population at this school, are the ones who thrive to be friends with with 'The High Monarchy". Pretty much like being the new girl at a sorority, the High Monarchy give the Under Elites stupid little tasks in the name of their "friendship". And the Under Elites do it willingly thinking that their actually in their group. The issue is, despite the fact these people actually do dress nice and have good intentions, their need to fit in makes the High Monarchy use them and trash them behind their backs. 

Then, we have the High Monarchy. Top of the food chain and leading in pack ranks. Usually gorgeous, and completely spoiled. Higher the rank, the more...luxurious the life. At the top is Beta Amery's daughter, Susanna Lincoln.  Tall, ebony hair and forest green eyes. She is as thin as a board but her curves denounce her almost unhealthy diet. Beside her are Xavianna West and Delilah Peters. They follow her around like lady's in waiting but all three are monsters when their not happy. Xavianna, or Xavi as she prefers, has already been suspended thrice for fights on campus that she started...and ended. Then there's the men or the High Monarchy like Samuel Winters or Delilah's brother Tommy Peters. Unruly, impossibly athletic even for a wolf, and sons of omegas. 

But lastly, but most certainly not least, is Daniel Crescent. Or Danny as he prefers. He is pretty much the High King, being the Alphas son. No one, unless your an omega or beta's parent, has ever seen the alpha. Daniel is the one I would fully recommend not going anywhere near. Especially if he's anything like his father. From observing the Alphas son, he's on that path. There is always a new side dish on his arm, and he is always starting fights that he won't withhold from until there is blood. And if you think the school will step in, your wrong. He is higher in rank than anybody at that school. And you don't ever want to tell someone with Alpha's blood what to do. The situation could be lethal, from what I had witnessed.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 13, 2019 ⏰

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