Alex's Fate

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Being raised by the Avengers sure does have its perks. Learning about molecular biology and AI from two of the world's top scientists while the rest of your classmates are learning about the parts of the cell. Being taught self-defense and how to protect yourself as a woman in New York from one of the world's most lethal assassins. Getting taught combat with the differences between a handheld weapon versus a shield by a god and the world's first super soldier. Learning archery from someone who literally cannot miss a target.

However, it also has its pitfalls. Gods always attacking your hometown, not knowing who's on your side and who's not, your family constantly risking their lives, never knowing when it's going to be the last time you see them...

Not to mention you never get to go on the cool trips around the world with them!

Well, Alex sort of understood that one. She knew that if she went with them, the other side easily could've captured her at any moment. And no matter how much she would plead and try to reason with her father, saying that her life wasn't as important as the thousands of lives that were going to be lost, she knew he would always sacrifice the mission in order to keep her safe.


She rode the elevator up to the top floor of the building, up to the penthouse that her family lived in.

Well, as much "family" as they could be. There were always people coming and going throughout, some more often than others.

As the elevator slowly rose, she bounced on the balls of her feet, practically bursting with excitement and nervousness; under her arm, she was holding a big envelope with her name printed on a small sticker on the front of it.

It was her letter of either acceptance or denial from Midtown High, one of the best technology high schools in the state.

As soon as the elevator dinged and the doors opened, Alexandria raced into the living room, looked around, and didn't see anyone. She assumed (and hoped) that her father would be home, but she could never be sure, especially with his professions...

Both of them.

So, she just ran through the apartment, yelling "Dad! Dad!" until she finally got an answer.

When she ran into the study, she was met with the blonde-haired woman named Pepper Potts, that her father had been dating. Though she wasn't the exact person that Alex had been looking for, she was still excited to see her. Over the past eight years, Pepper had practically taken in as her own daughter, as Alex had pretty much accepted Pepper as her mother.

"He's down in the lab, sweetie," Pepper informed her. "What's wrong?"

Alex simply held up the envelope and Pepper immediately understood. She excitedly gasped, gave a small excited clap, and stood up to follow the girl down to the floor below the penthouse.

Technically, the entire building was his lab. Alex's father had specifically built their apartment on top of Avengers Tower. Boasting a giant blue A, it was a prominent part of the lower-Manhattan skyline.

She pushed open the giant glass door into the top floor of the lab and excitedly yelled "Dad!" once more.

Even if he wasn't on this exact floor, her father's personal AI assistant, Jarvis, would've alerted him to her presence. Luckily, though, he was standing only a few feet away from the door.

He was standing in front of a desk that projected a 3D hologram of whatever he was working on above it. From what she had previously seen, Alex could tell it was something for a new suit. It was a fairly new design, though very similar to the previous one. Based on what she could see now, it seemed as though this suit was going to have more RTs to work as plasma channels. That would then increase the rate of fire from the repulsors, thus making it easier to deal out more damage in a lesser amount of time.

He quickly turned around, his hands still raised to the hologram. "What have I told you about barging into the lab when I'm—"

He was immediately quieted by his daughter holding up the envelope that read "Midtown High / Stark, Alexandria". His eyes widened for a moment and small smile appeared on his usually stoic face. He swiped his project back into the desk. He stood in front of her and next to Pepper.

"Well, open it, kiddo," he encouraged.

Alex nodded and carefully opened the top of the envelope, taking caution not to rip it. After all, this envelope contained the answer to how the rest of her life would go.

She pulled out the letter addressed to her. It was a full page with the Midtown High logo branded across the top, but she couldn't wait any longer. Alex simply skimmed the page, looking for the key words that would tell her her fate.

Dear Miss Alexandria Stark, ... thank you for your application... record number of annual applications... very strict competition...

It was at this point where her heart started to sink. Whenever someone starts talking about how strict the competition was, that usually meant that they were trying to soften the extremely disheartening blow that was about to come her way. She wasn't seeing anything that said "Welcome!" or even the word "accepted" or anything of the like.

Finally, she reached the bottom of the page.

We here at Midtown High look forward to seeing you in September!

She felt an uncontainable smile start spreading across her face as she looked up at her parents.

"I got in," she beamed, though she didn't need to as they could tell by her face.

"That's amazing, sweetie!" Pepper exclaimed, giving another small clap. She rushed forward and enveloped Alex in a tight hug. "Oh!" She pushed herself away from Alex and practically pinned the girl's arms to her body. "I know! We'll get your favorite dinner! I'll be right back!" She gave her one final smile before turning and rushing out of the lab.

Alex hadn't expected much from her father by ways of praise—the simple smile he gave her when she told him the news was more than enough. So when he pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head, saying "I'm proud of you, kid," Alex nearly burst into tears. Now, that's not to say her father didn't love her; he absolutely did, with all of his heart.

He just had a hard time showing it. He never really had the best relationship with his parents, especially his father. So navigating the world of parental love and praise was a new adventure for the both of them.

{Published on 5/7/21}

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