Peter's Fate

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Meanwhile, over in a small Queens apartment, a similar letter opening ceremony was taking place between an aunt and a nephew.

As soon as Peter opened their mailbox in the lobby of their apartment building and saw the yellow envelope sitting in there, he was immediately filled with a sense of dread. This envelope contained his fate, whether he would go to one of the best technology schools in the state—maybe even the country—or not and have to work even harder than he was currently.

He booked it up the stairs, taking them two at a time. He knew he had too much energy to wait in the elevator.

By the time he reached his apartment, his hands were shaking so much that it took him three tries to slide the key into the lock.

"May! Aunt May!" he shouted as soon as he opened the door.

His young aunt stuck her head out of the kitchen doorway.

"Is it here?" she asked.

Peter simply nodded and held up the envelope.

May gasped. She ran over to her nephew and stood next to him, hugging his shoulders. May peered at the envelope excitedly while Peter stared at it, unable to bring himself to actually open it.

A million different thoughts were running through the poor boy's head.

What if I don't get in? How will I make it to where I want to be when I'm older?

What if I do get in? Will I be able to compete with all the other kids? And what about friends? Will I know anyone else there? What if I become an awkward, outcasted loner?

"I can't do it," Peter finally said, shoving the envelope into his aunt's hands.

May paused for a second before realizing that nothing she could do was going to change his mind.

She pursed her lips and nodded, slowly opening the envelope and pulling out the thick piece of paper inside.

"Dear Mister Parker, blah blah blah, competition, blah blah blah, school stuff," she quietly read out loud. While she was doing this, Peter stared at his shoes and started wringing his hands, the same thoughts and questions bouncing around his brain like thousands of pinballs pinging against the sides of a broken machine. All the markers and targets were being hit, but there were no lights or sounds going off.

Suddenly, his aunt's eyes landed on the final sentence on the bottom of the page.

We look forward to seeing you in September!

"Peter... honey... you got in!" she excitedly exclaimed.

Peter looked up at her, his eyes filling with amazement. "Are you serious?"

"Would I joke about that? Come here, look!" She handed him the paper and stood behind him, hugging his shoulders again.

Peter slowly read the letter about three times over, making sure to take care reading every single word, soaking in everything about this moment.

He was going to Midtown High. Little did he know, that letter would not only change his life but also the course of history.

{Published on: 5/25/21}

A/N: Sorry lol this was supposed to be out on Friday but... i forgot lol, here it is now! I'm gonna try posting every other Friday bc i have some chapters around halloween and i'm trying to work it out where those will be posted in October. So it'll be every other Friday with maybe a few extras!

See you guys next week!!

Loved Unconditionally, Yours ~⌠✭⌡~ Peter Parkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن