Chapter 32

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Aidyn's POV

I ran back to the house, Julius hot on my tail. I had been craving Gram's barbecue since October, but I hadn't gotten the chance to see her since this summer, around August. It was the best I'd ever had, besides Franklin's, but even then, she made better ribs.

"Aidyn! it looks like rain, should we have grabbed the tractor?" Julius called, catching up to me.

"I guess, maybe. We can grab it later." I huffed, out of breath. We were nearly to the house, but I have asthma, always have, and so it became difficult for me to breathe after a while. I was fine, but I also knew that I was prone to asthma attacks when it snowed/ got really cold, and the temperature was quickly dropping. It was Texas, yes, but up here, the weather was similar to that in Oregon.

"I'll just run back and get it now, then. Make sure to save me a seat next to you, okay?" He asked, stopping and turning around.

"Yeah, sure!" I called back. "I'll make you a plate too. The usual?" Turning around, I watched him nod his head before we both jogged in separate directions. As soon as I got back to the house I was met with a feast, food covering every available surface in the dining room and kitchen area, ranging from traditional Korean dishes to apple pie to the obvious barbecue. 

"Grammy, what have you done?" I asked, out of breath but excited.

"I told you I'd make an array! We made anything you could possibly want, and even better, it'll last for at least three days, maybe more!" She was so excited to finally have people to cook for, and I just couldn't bring myself to take that joy from her by bringing practicality.

"Gram, this'll last them two days, tops. You've never seen those boys eat." I patted her shoulder and sat down at the table in front of the ribs. "But thank you, this all looks very delicious." Grabbing a plate and many napkins, I began to dig in, shoveling the food into my mouth.

Just then, Hoseok walked in, shaking his head. "I'm telling you, there's no way you can train a squirrel to give someone a lap dance. Besides, who would want that?" I raised my eyebrows and jutted my head forward, making my best, huh? face.

"What the hell," Jin asked, stepping out of the kitchen, wooden spoon in hand. "Who the fuck gave you their goddamn permission to talk like that in front of these ladies? Watch your language! You dumb little shits really going to talk about something so weird and disrespectful in front of them, especially when she's just trying her damned hardest to eat the fucking food I made? Sit your asses down, now. And shut the hell up about squirrels and lap dances." 

As he walked back into the kitchen, the boys skittered over to the dining room table where they found seats and plates waiting to be filled by them. Almost immediately, they began to dig in and their plates were soon overflowing with food. Some, like Jungkook and Taehyung had even gotten two plates, and I was working on filling my third. 

Everyone was eating as much as they possibly could, and it was all Gram could do to watch in bewilderment as all of the food she had spent so much time on disappeared before her very eyes. I locked eyes with her and winked as I bit into a rib, my sixth of the evening. Her eyes widened and I laughed out, snorting louder than I meant to. 

As I laughed, I had yet to realize that everyone was looking at me with wide eyes as well, all shocked and silent at the sudden noise. Suddenly, Yoongi began to laugh, everyone else quickly joining him. We laughed at nothing for quite a while, all sounds dying down eventually. I ran a hand through my hair and decided I'd had enough to eat, going into the kitchen to clear my plate.

"Hey," Julius called from his spot in the dining room. "Did you change your hair while I was gone? It looks really good."

Tyler made an amused bitch what the fuck face and I giggled, shaking my head. "Her? Bitch, please. Her hair looks exactly the same as it always does; like she just got fucked."

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