Chapter 2:Perfect Lifetime

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"People, always thinking of how to make their life perfect. They think that I had it easy and I was born perfect but what that they don't know is that I had four lifetimes to learn master all that there is.

In the first lifetime, I was a slave to the queen before the dinosaur time and it was not the earth, I was called 'sərˈvīv' meaning survive. People at that time were not humans, there was a different type of creature and I happen to be one of the worse and we could not be compared to dirt but I was beautiful and that is what saved me.

People never care about us who was on the lower races unless they had a plan for us and I was no value to the queen so I was saw as a beautiful toy. When the kingdom was attacked and destroyed, the people of value were turn into slave but we of the lower race were left and became invisible.

Since I was no use, no one thought much of me and I lived my life through centuries while learning all I could to the masted. I learned many weird things and master how to be a lady to the point that I could do it in my sleep and most importantly, I learned that if my power was harvested in the right way, I am very powerful and so I lived quietly while other supernatural creatures killed themselves off until I was the last one left in the world and a powerful creature, I was. I died at one billion years old.

I was reincarnated with my memories and powers from my first time for an unknown reason which got me worried as I have learned that there is no free meal in these lifetimes, but my worries stopped when a messenger of a Goddess explained to me. I was born in Earth, where the humans lived up to 2000 year old when I was at the age of learning, I set off to learn all I could and with my photography memory that I acquire from last lifetime, it was easy but it had to be done secretly. I force on professions and there was a minimum of 7.2 billion as new jobs came as the world develops. In the world view, I was a doctor, a famous doctor at that and I experience the word 'love'.

I went through heartbreak and happy days but at the end of the road, I met someone who wanted to grow old with me. I saw through the times of motherhood and how a child grew so fast in a heartbeat and the sadness of the child leaving you to live their life. Unlike my first lifetime that I was learning all I could, I settled down to live my life like other humans but with my secret twist. At my death bed, I knew how to control my emotions and the things that are important in life but most importantly, my love for children.

It is strange to suddenly find yourself in centre of chaos after you are used to living in a quiet world and that is what happens in my third lifetime, I was born in the time where humans are fighting each other. Most of the animals had gone extinct and mother earth seem like she had beef going on with humans so there were many natural disasters and plants were not growing, the animals and few plants that has unexpectedly grew intelligence. There were not enough food and people went to disgusting length to eat even if it cost other lives.... I was born in a family with family problems but luckily, I had an older brother who loved and maybe too much to be a brotherly love, but he teaches me 'how to survive in this cruel world and in exchange I gave him, some of my knowledge.

I seem to have some unseen luck with mother earth because I could grow plants and this help me and my brother greatly, we lived a dangerous life for some years and we finally separate ourselves from the world of cruel beings but before this, I learned the true meaning of humans negative emotions. As we lived together, I fell for my brother and I knew it was wrong but there were hardly any good humans left and the population has gone down which was what mother earth wanted, I think as it was hard for women to give birth and I was not excused from this.

I and my love tried to get pregnant for years, but I was not able to give birth and it was affecting me and he could see it, no matter how hard that I try to hide it but when I was about to lose hope. I believed to be pregnant and truthfully, I was, I gave birth to a beautiful boy and a girl 'twin' my heart was filled with joy. We teach and protect them from the cruel world and watch them leave our haven while trying to ignite the way for them.

It is funny that when I thought that I have seen the worst in the world, I was born in my fourth lifetime in a place worst than my third lifetime. I saw the worst in life and in-depth meaning of the seven deathly sins while trying to stay true to the right way, I finally understand what God meant in the bible about 'How hard, it is to stay true to one belief in this world'. I thought of being a Christian, but it suits me not, so I choose to take some of the right beliefs from different religion to direct me in the right way. In this world, I had no loved one like in my second and third lifetime but unlike my third lifetime where few could be trusted but, in this world, no one could be trusted and you have to be cruel sometimes to live, is what I have learned.

In my fifth lifetime, it was the sweetest of youth, I was born in a caring family as their only child and the family had a good amount of money for us not to worry about the future. I was called 'Perfect' because it has become my second nature to be perfect at what until I can do it in my sleep, I grew a nature for learning over the lifetimes and I sawed as a perfect genius because I learnt things, once after I just saw it but how can I tell people that I had perfect all these things that you had show me over lifetimes. All that I could do was to keep silence, I went to school and finish at a tender age and had gone to university while doing this, I took a love for reading fictions book but what I saw not coming was me dying when I went moon bathing in the garden as I was sick and I wanted to get better faster.

All because of my stupid cousin, how many times had I told him that......


All is done, I just have to wait for my next lifetime."

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