Chapter 5

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"And what's that?" Shadow asked and
leaned against him

"Your stripes aren't natural, they're
painted!" Sonic said. "You thought no one
would find you? Well I'm too smart to not...
uhm... Haha haha!"

Shadow laughs at him "that's

Sonic hugged him and nuzzled into his
chest fur. "I waaaant you as my pillow."

"Nooooo" Shadow said and got him away
"come danceee"

"Yaaaaaayyy! I love dancccing!" Sonic said

Shadow got up and grabbed his hands and took him to the dance floor

Sonic giggled and followed him

Shadow pulled him into his chest and
wrapped his arms around him

Sonic smiled and placed his hands on his

Shadow sang a song into his ear which
wasn't even the song that was playing

"I didn't know youuu could sinnngg so
well." Sonic said

Shadow ignored him and kept dancing and singing in his ear

Sonic softly purred, liking how close he was to the dark male

Shadow kissed his ear

Sonic giggled and nuzzled him

Shadow nuzzles him back

"You have noooo idea how much I lilike
you." Sonic said then kissed him and
wrarmed his arms around his neck

Shadow pulled his waist against him and
kissed him back

Sonic pressed himself against him as he
enjoyed the kiss

Shadow leaned up against him

Sonic pulled away after a while and panted

Shadow panted softly and danced with him

Sonic rested his head on his head while

Shadow whispers drunken sweet nothings
in his ears as they danced

Sonic laughed. "You're being funny."

"Noooooooo" Shadow said and let go of

"Don't let goooo." Sonic whined

Shadow shushed him and put his finger on
his lips

Sonic looked at him then at his finger. He
giggled and put his finger in his mouth

Shadow pulled it away

"I want to have more fun!" Sonic said

"Shhhhhhh" Shadow laughs

"But I like fun." Sonic whined. "Fun fun fun
fun fun fun."

Shadow kissed him to make him quiet

Sonic kissed back while purring, enjoying
his kisses

Sonic pushed himself away from him. "If you don't wanna have more fun with me, I'm gonna have much with someone else." He said and turned around to walk away

Shadow put his hands on his shoulders and pulled him to his chest

"Sshadooow." Sonic said and looked up at him

Shadow looked at him

"I want fun." Sonic said

"Well let's play a game" Shadow said

"What game?" Sonic asked and tilted his
head while dropping one ear

"How long you can give me a kiss for"
Shadow said

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