Attack By A Giant Naked Human

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"AHHH!!!" Izuku quickly jumps to the side as the giant human face slams against the tree. Izuku covers himself as wood and dirt flys everywhere. Izuku coughs a bit from the clouds of dirt surrounding the area around him and rubs it off. He quickly looks back at the giant human who had his face against the tree. The giant human slowly turns towards Izuku smiling at him, sending shivers in his shine. The giant launches himself against Izuku. Izuku squeals and runs away as the giant crushed into other tree, breaking through it and chases after Izuku. He tries to dodge the giant's hands as it tries to grabs him, hitting a few trees in the process, sending bark flying over him. Izuku covers himself from the flying bark and continues to run.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM?!!! WHY ARE YOU CHASING ME?!!!" Izuku yells but the giant didn't respond and continues to run after him. Izuku looks back towards where he was running and gasps. He slides under a root just in time as he was about run into it and continues to run away. The giant kicks the root, sending it flying towards Izuku. Izuku ducks as the root flew over him and lands a few feet in front of him. Izuku lets our a groan and jumps over it while the giant stomp over the root. Izuku glances back only to find the giant still chasing him.

'What does he want from me? We is he still chasing me?' Izuku asks himself. He suddenly realized something and looks back at the giant.


Still no answer.

Izuku curses and looks away. He looks back only to see that the giant was a few giant steps f

'Crap, his catching up to fast! I can't outrun him at this rate.' Izuku gasps and jumps away in time as the giant slams its down hand at him. Izuku landed in a slide across from the giant. The giant then swings the back of its hand at Izuku, knocking him to a tree. Izuku's back slams against a tree and he slides down to the ground.

'I can't keep on running...' Izuku grits his teeth as he slowly to stand up.

'If I don't stop him here, more people will be killed.' Izuku stumbles a bit but plants his foot down.

'I have to make a stand, right here, right now!' Izuku slides his foot back and got into a defensive position.

'I have to stop him!' Izuku looks up at the giant with determined eyes. He nervously raises his arms up in a defensive position and charges up One For All in his whole body and green lightning emerges from his body as he activities Full Cowling. The giant slowly walked towards Izuku in a creepy manner and then runs at him. Everything went in slow motion.

'I will stop him!' Izuku clenched his fists and then runs towards the giant. The giant smiles and opens its mouth as he and Izuku got closer to each other. Izuku yells as he mere centimeters away from the giant's mouth and then quickly ducks down as the giant chomped his mouth shut and Izuku slides under his body.

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to use my Quirk!" Izuku yells as he reaches under the giant's belly.

'5% won't probably be enough to stop him...' Izuku slowly began to charge up One For All in his right arm.

'Which is why I have to use 100%!' Izuku clenched his fist.

"SMASH!!!" Izuku slams his fist into the giant's belly sending huge amounts of wind pressure around them. The giant was sent flying back in air and slams his back a tree and slides down to the ground. Izuku falls down on the grassy ground and grits his teeth in pain.

'I hope it was worth breaking my arm since I nowhere near to a healer...' Izuku looks down to his right purple broken arm. He sighs.

'A least I stop the giant...' Izuku looks up at the giant, which slumped on the tree with its head hanging down, and a hole on its stomach.

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