The Survey Corps

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Izuku eyes shined in amazement as he stares at the man that slayed the giant in front of him. His green hoodie waves in air, revealing a crest of black and white wings crossing over each other, flashing in glory and liberty. Steam surrounded him from the giant's fallen body.

"Sugoi..." Izuku whispered.

"Oi, gaki?" Izuku snaps out of dazzle and looks up at the man. The man slowly turns toward Izuku, staring him down with cold demanding steel grey eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here in Titan territory?" Izuku blankly stares at the man and blinks a couple of times dumbfounded.

"Wot?" The man jumps down from the giant and walks towards Izuku.

"Did you not hear? I asked you a question brat, I expect an answer." The man drew his blade towards Izuku face causing to squeak and raised his hands in surrender, staring at the blade nervously.

"What the hell are doing here, in Titan territory?" The man asks coldly, and moves the blade closer to his face.

"I-I-I don't know w-what you mean s-sir! I-I was just t-t-trying to stay alive and e-end up h-h-here, sir!" Izuku said, trying to avoid the short male's blade.

"I don't care if you were trying to stay alive, all I want to know, is why are you here?" The man drew his blade to Izuku's thoat, causing he to let out an "Eep" and tremble.

"I-I-I don't k-know sir! I swear! I was brought here by a villain with Warp Gate Q-Quirk and e-e-ended up here!" Izuku stutters out.

"Huh?" The short make raised a brow in confusion and suspicion.

"Are you kidding me? Is this a joke to you?" Izuku looks at him dumbfounded.

"Wot?" The short male narrowed his eyes and pushed Izuku against a tree and moved the side blade to his throat that it was touching it.

"Warp Gate Quirk? Villain? This isn't a game kid! Who are? Why you are here? Were you sent by anyone within the Walls?" The short mans eyes flashed dangerously.

"Are you associated with the attacks of the Armored and Colossal Titans?" He pushed blade into his throat. Izuku stares at the blade in horror as he felt the cold side of the blade touching his throat.

"Answer me or you'll be facing death." The short men dangerously.

"I- I- I-" Izuku bit his lip in fear as he felt he was staring into the eyes of death.


"Yo, Levi!" The short male sighs in annoyance and slightly lowers the blade from Izuku's throat causing Izuku to look at him in confusion. They turn towards a woman who just lands a few feet away from them and began to walk towards them.

"You left the entire Squad all alone back at the fields with the Titans!" She said cheerfully. She had long brown hair and was wearing goggles She had the same gear and uniform just like the short male.

"Did you guys get eaten?" The short male asks as he draws the blade from Izuku causing him to instantly feel if his throat was still there.

"Nope! We took care of them!" She beans. She briefly stops by the giant that the short male slayed.

"Leviiii!!!! You were supposed to keep one alive!!!" The woman whines and looks at the giant, which was steaming, in sadness. The short male, "Levi", scoffed.

"Tch. You're the only moron to who would keep a Titan as a pet, Four-Eyes!" Levi retorted and sheath his sword in the gear until it "clicked" and pulls out the handle and placed in a pouch under his armpit. He crossed his arm and look at the woman unamused as she exams the dead giant. She stops and turns towards Levi and noticed Izuku.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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