Saved By The Scouting Region

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Iida reaches out for him, tears falls from his eyes as he screams out his name.

Stain yelling for Izuku to grab his hand but panics as Izuku was pulled into the dark green warp gate.

He wakes up in a strange wooden house, completely abandoned and old.

He walks out of the house to find himself in the middle of a village.

He comes across rotten old corpses and giant footprints.

A giant nake human smiling down at him.

A blonde male forcing a syringe to him.

"Please find my little brother."

Yellow/orange lightning striking down from the sky and turns into green lightning. A giant nake human with emerald glowing eyes and green fluffy hair, roses up and roars into the air.

Izuku gasps and jerks up, holding his chest as he panted. He then holds his head in pain.

'What happened?' Izuku asks himself and looks around his surroundings. He was a forest full of giant trees.

'Oh yeah... the Warp Gate Villain brought me here.' Izuku frowns and stood up. He suddenly froze in place and looks down.

His arm and finger are completely healed.

'My arm... It's healed.' Izuku raised his arm up.

'But how? I'm sure I broke it when I used 100% on the giant.' Izuku looks at his middle finger and then back at his right arm.

'Could it be because of that man in my vision?' Izuku asks. Flashes of a blonde man with shining glasses, covers his eyes, forcing a syringe towards him. Izuku gasps his head in pain and stumbles around. He leans on tree, trying to soothe his head. He looks up with tried eyes, panting a bit.

'I need to find away out of here.' Izuku thought and walks away from the tree through the forest. Izuku looks around the forest, passing giant trees. Ducking and walking over giant roots. After a few minutes of walking around the forest he found a stream.

'Finally, I was getting thirsty .' Izuku huffs in relief. He walks up the stream and kneels down. He scoops up water using both hands and puts it his mouth, drinking it. He eyes suddenly widened.

'This water is... So good!' Izuku began to drink it all and then scoops up so more. He then leans his head in the stream and began to drink out of it, like if he hadn't drink water for days.

"I never had taste such delicious water in my entire life!" Izuku exclaims and went back to drinking the water from the streams. He looks out a huge breathe and then noticed something wrong. He smelled his costume and cringes a bit.

"I need to was my costume after everything that happened today." Izuku began to zip down his costume and pulls his hands out of the sleeves. He unbuckled his utility belt and placed on the side. He took off his shoes and socks and slips out his hero costume. He then took off his respirator and placed next to his utility belt. The only thing he was wearing is his oversized white shirt and black shorts. He splashed his hero costume in the water and began to wash it. He scrubs it with a cloth he carries around in his utility. He whips his hero costume out, splashing the water off of it and hangs on a tree branch. He said down and leans on a tree. He places out his phone and began to swipe through it.

"No signal..." Izuku mutters. He sighs and placed his phone down. He placed his hands behind his head and leans back on the tree. He closed his eyes and listens to the sound of the birds chirping and the flow of the water through the stream. The sun shines through the leaves of the giant tree, lighting up a bit the area Izuku was resting at. Izuku breathes in the fresh air and smiles a bit.

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