Miss Missing You

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Passed by the place that once held you
The place that took you away
Reminded me about how strong you were in the face of death
And how redemption isnt all thats at play here
I miss you
Yeah I'll admit it
My little trobled mind
Won't put your spirit to rest
Cause I wonder if all this bullshit would still be here if you were here to pick me up
Would you notice? See me struggling?
Or just be another bystander I'm idolizing?
I don't even fucking care
Just come back to me
I'm begging you please
I'll get on my knees
I need you here

But a little human mind
Can only comprehend that once the body's gone
So is the spirit
I can't stand to think that
But I know it's true
I'll never see you again even if I scream you name
Do you even remember what you promised me?
That'd you'd be here

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