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Percy wasn't surprised.

He thinks that, if he were normal, then maybe he would've reacted more to being constantly stalked, or maybe he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

He thinks that he would've felt something more than mild curiosity and smug confidence in the face of the man who sent said stalkers after him.

He thinks he would've flipped out at the concept of joining a team of heroes, if he'd even be considered at all in that alternate universe where he was normal.

He thinks that he would've been shocked to find that the man had found Percy's apartment address and shown up there not 24 hours after they met the first time, claiming to have had some sort of dream about the existence of gods and demanding Percy confirm this.

He thinks that he would've called the man- Nicholas Fury- insane, instead of complying and arranging a pick up for his stuff, because he was going to be moving in with the Avengers(floor 91 all to himself) tomorrow.

Percy thinks that maybe, just maybe, he died a long time ago, before any of this ever happened.

But unfortunately, Percy wasn't normal, and he never was, so he was tragically still alive and kicking. And of course, there was the added development of transferring all his superficial items onto the 91st floor of a giant building shaped like a llama head.

Percy recalled one time on the Argo II, when Frank had turned into a llama on accident. He seemed to do that a lot. Not a llama specifically, but there was also the time with the giant koi, every night he shifted in his sleep, and although not fortuitously, the certainly not entirely purposeful Iguana Incident.

Where was he?

Oh, yes, the llama tower.

Percy didn't have many belongings he was willing to store in the tower, not with so many mortals swarming the place and such a well made security system. That being said, JARVIS was actually quite personable, and had suggested that he keep Percy hidden from the other inhabitants- specifically the owner of the tower and JARVIS' creator, Tony Stark- as a joke.

Percy, never one to turn down a prank, agreed.

That was almost one month ago.

Comically, Fury hadn't realized that Percy refrained from meeting the rest of his team until Percy had finally told him. Why would he want to keep vapor traveling out of the tower and denying JARVIS information, or asking JARVIS which hour-long route he'd have to take to escape the stuffy(not really) walls whenever his ADHD acted up? It was easier to simply introduce himself.

There was really only one issue with that plan- Percy didn't know how to make friends aside from almost killing them or almost being killed himself, neither of which sounded like good ideas. Fury had agreed.

Speaking of which, Percy was in a meeting with the one-eyed wonder right now. As a matter of fact, the demigod should have been listening to what his new ally was saying. Percy blinked. He'd zoned out again. Oops.

It wasn't as though this meeting was anything super important- it was the same format before and after every task he'd been assigned during his new profession of child soldier/super spy. After a month he'd gotten used to it, and his life was more stable now, helped along by the quick recoveries being made by his parents under the care of SHIELD doctors.

Next week, he'd be helping them move back into their apartment from the hospital, and would be checking on them everyday to not only make sure the security was working, but also that there were no monsters in the surrounding 30-meter radius and to help with their PT*.

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