- headcanons

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• juliet is a huge fan of the avengers and all heros, she can name almost everyone and their respective set of known powers

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• juliet is a huge fan of the avengers and all heros, she can name almost everyone and their respective set of known powers

• whilst juliet is ok at school, shes always had trouble with it, especially reading, due to her dyslexia. she absolutely despises english class. it is the one class she continues to occasionally skip.

• juliet's estrangement with her father causes her to get quite riled up when someone disses the superheros. in her mind they represent everything thats not her father, everything good.

• she has broken her arm before, it was on the firet day of kindergarten where she fell off of the monkey bars at school.

• juliet has a scar on her hip from an appendectomy when she was 12.

• juliet gets a lot of joy out of photography. she'll take photos on the subway to photos of her friends. in freshman year she was a photographer for midtown high's yearbook but got kicked out due to her taking too many photos of non school related things ( post battle scenes, sunsets, & food )

• juliet is extremely awkward around everyone, she gets flustered quite quickly. however, when that happens, she usually blurts out whatever shes thinking instead of thinking of the consequences. even around her friends she's extremely awkward. she doesn't want to mess up any friendships. to make up for said awkwardness, juliet says many terrible dad jokes.

• juliet's favorite kind of music is kpop. while she won't admit it, because she finds it embarassing, she really loves it. her absolutely favorite group is exo and her bias is chanyeol.

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